That Angry Good Stuff - Bottom Loki

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You love Loki,  but he has stood you up more times than you can bear. Yes. He's a god. He's busy getting tied up with "god" things as he refers to. But what happens when you're fed up waiting with the sweet surprises you made just for him? What happens when he finally shows up looking all gorgeous and god like begging for your forgiveness? Do you stay angry and slam the door? Do you just forgive him? Or better yet - do you decide to just show him another side of you- because perhaps he likes it. ... Stay tuned to find out what happens when you decide to take matters into your own hands and just "tie" Loki up yourself for the night >:)

Its late, you're angry, tired, and completely fed up. This repeated pattern of waiting for him only to be disappointed is becoming unbearable and even more so, unfair. Yes, he's a god, and he's busy doing "god things' as he calls them, which he also refers to as "boredom and despair" assigned to him by Odin that he gets little say in, but this has gone on far too long now.

Standing from the kitchen chair you make your way over to the surprise you had prepared for him, his favorite apple mead, and a cinnamon frosted cake that you had spent the better part of the day making.

The bigger surprise however was not in the kitchen, it awaited him in your bedroom. For so long you had wished to ask him to tie you up and take control of you but you never had the nerve. Tonight, would have been the night you would have and you were more than excited to experiment with the god of mischief. As you peer into the candle lit bedroom you feel nothing but heartbreak and embarrassment as you stare at the freshly silk dressed bed. Strewn across the pillows are tethers tied to the posts, just waiting to be used and beside them a blindfold with another naughty surprise meant to give a little pain beside it.

You sigh and look at the time. The digital clock on the stove reads two am. He's not coming. Rounding the kitchen island, you open a drawer below its counter to retrieve a knife.

"Might as well enjoy this a bit," you say to yourself as you slice into the cake. Pulling the frosting covered knife free you slide your tongue along its firm side to lick the sugary goodness from the blade. Turning the knife around you begin at the bottom again with your tongue gliding it upwards and closing your eyes as you do so, imagine its him. Godssdamnit. You still want him. You crave him so badly it hurts. But this time it's a deeper, angry ache.

Last time he was here he left you exhausted and empty, but the second he left you ached for more. There was something about him, something you couldn't resist, and you knew you were not the only one on Midgard who felt this way. It has been about a year since Loki had showed up in your life. First it was a dream that you left you awakening to sweat stained sheets mid orgasm with memories of your hands gripping his sweaty back, begging him to fuck you harder as you came. And those eyes. Those eyes that seemed to look through your very soul every time you kissed. It was like magic just feeling his tongue as you ran your fingers through his jet black hair. Just standing there thinking about it all you begin to feel that painful desire for him. You hate what he does to you, how he makes you feel. Its lust like you never knew was possible, and ecstasy you never experienced before. The talents of his silver tongue alone was enough to drive to you to madness. Even in anger you still wanted him.

Making your way over to the kitchen window behind you to open it, you feel the cool breeze of the late summer's night embrace your skin. You open the silk gown you are wearing allowing a set of thick gartered thighs to show. You blow out the candle on the counter and then decide to slice into the cake to get one more taste. As you lick the knife again a voice interrupts you from behind. It's Loki's voice.

"Do it slower next time," he says in his all too smooth seductive manner. "You know I love to watch."

With a gasp you drop the knife to the floor. You turn around to see Loki standing there, all six foot three gorgeous god of him dressed in the way that makes you purr. He eyes your naked shape between the fabric of the gown.

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