President Loki -- In Progress

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"I would prefer it if I kneel for you, my dear. Someone in my position enjoys switching things up a bit. Allow me to be submissive for a change."

Part I

You are assigned as an assistant on the futuristic planet Lamentis. It is summer in the year 2044. As usual you are working late, assigned a desk job that mostly involves calculating travel time and logistics for this mysterious leader of this planet who is only addressed as "The President". Landing this job was no easy feat, and was desired by most due to its prestigious location in the president's kush tower, and not to mention a boisterous income that would make anyone envious. However, quickly it became apparent that this gig was anything but prestigious, nor anything anyone should envy. Instead of swanky assignments and status upgrades among the elite who inhabited Lamentis, it was nothing more than grueling hours of desk work and running errands for those lucky enough to be part of the higher ranks of this order. You hoped one day that would be you, but as of right now it was just a dream, and by the way it was going, a far reaching one at that.

Not only were you enslaved to these daily mundane tasks filled with paperwork and boring conference meetings, you still had yet to even know this enigmatic ruler's identity. A thrall such as yourself was not permitted on the top floor of this prestigious tower he ruled from. As time passed in this assignment you had become even more curious about who it was, often waiting outside until the late night hours hoping to get a glimpse of this mysterious figure behind the curtain who was rumored to even control time. You hoped one day your situation could change. You often found yourself daydreaming of these possibilities, playing out various scenarios in your head, imagining yourself meeting him and having your wish granted.

You wondered what he was like. Some of the words you had heard whispered by people who had claimed to have met him were charming, desirable, toxic, handsome, enigmatic, hedonistic, cunning, and a "bit mad in the head." This of course was only hearsay, very rapidly spreading hearsay that only peaked your interest in catching a glimpse even more.

Perhaps if he met you, knew your name, even just your face, he might consider moving you up from this drab position into something exciting. That would not be too difficult, even the fuel exchange attendants who waited to replenish the space crafts before departure seem to have more fun than you did. But you had yet to have that chance and perhaps, may never. 

You were desperate to make a change one day, no matter what it took. You were certain you would do almost anything to even get a moment with the president. But for now it was closing time at the office. Another day punching numbers, refilling caffeine pipes, and taking calls. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing yet. 

Leaning back in the skimpy cushioned desk chair to give your eyes a rest from the large neon green projection image in front of you, you stare out at the sky from the windows which travel the entire length of your office. All sorts of spacecraft vehicles buzz by through the air in perfect order. Behind it all, the backdrop of the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen, a blood red burning sky that stretched out into the star littered blackness of the cosmos. In the distant on the low horizon ominous clouds streaked with lightning embedded in them approach. A storm was on its way, a usual occurrence in the late summer months here and you wondered if you should just crash for the night on the office couch like you so often had. 

Reaching forward you hit a small switch which lowers the blinds slightly so you can better see the viewing screen. A small fan turns on automatically to offer reprieve from the stifling humidity that seems to bleed in through the windows, even at this height.

You are overworked, and as usual exhausted. Tired of this job, tired of feeling tired. Your life outside of here is no better. Often going home to an empty house with cold food and an even colder bed. You know you are craving more than just the excitement of a new job, but also some passion in your life as well, something different and experimental.

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