Disobey Me Again

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What happens when Loki catches you, his slave,  fawning over another god... The punishment he chooses is painfully pleasurable ....

BDSM/ Triggers/ Smut

You open your eyes to darkness and the sensations of being bound at your hands and feet. Your mouth is gagged with what feels like a silk scarf, your vision blinded by what feels to be the same. Your knees burn against the cold hard floor. As you shift your weight to try and get comfortable you hear the sound of the chains that hold you in place scrape against the floor.

There is only way to explain how you ended up in this predicament, you disobeyed your master, the god of mischief, the lie smith, Loki, and now you must pay the price. You feel your naked body begin to tremble as you remember how angry he is with you, how his eyes turned from green to fire as he spotted you from across the room. You knew Loki to be possessive over his slaves, but you never imagined such an innocent act would send him over the edge into a jealous rage.

You recall how he dragged you from the feast hall. You remember him tearing your dress off and leaving you here naked, bound, and afraid of what he might do next. You remember him casting a spell to send you to sleep. And now here you awaken to the unknown consequences, wanting nothing more than to be forgiven by the god you so desperately love.

You hear a door open and shut and the sound of his boots on the floor. You feel his presence drawing closer. He says nothing as he stops beside you, but you can hear his breathing. You feel a fingertip gently graze the curve of your back and the stinging bite of his breath on your shoulder as he lowers himself beside you.

"Do you know what you are doing here love?" He whispers. His voice sends a shiver down your spine. Despite how afraid you are your eyes still crave to see his beauty.

He stands and circles you as you fight to not shake uncontrollably. "Do you?" He asks again. His voice is demanding and cold, unlike how you have ever heard him speak before.

You moan a no. Suddenly there is a smack of stinging pain on your ass cheeks. You bite down hard on the binds that gag your mouth.

"Don't lie to me love," he says while placing his hand around your neck. He squeezes it just tightly enough to make you gag. "Let me take this off of you, its so much better if I can see your pretty little mouth." He unties the scarf and you gasp for air as it falls to the ground. "That is so much better," he says as you feel his fingertip graze your lips. "Now, answer me, and do not lie. I always know a lie when I hear one. Do you know why you are in here?"

You bite your lip to suppress the tears but it is too late. You can already feel them streaming down your cheeks and taste the salty reminder of your regret. "I do," You say. "I am so sorry, I never meant anything by it."

"Hmm, are you sure love? Are you sure you don't want him? I saw how you looked at him, with lust in your eyes, with that look you give me right before I sink myself inside of you. Is that what you want?"

"No, I swear, I only want you. I am sorry, I truly am," you say between tears.

He scoffs. "I don't believe you." Another stinging smack meets your ass cheeks, this time harder than the first. Pain travels up your backside into your spine. You scream and begin begging that he believes you.

"Please," you plead, "I swear on your spear I do not want any other god, I want you, only you!"

"Do you know what happens to those who disobey me?" He asks.

You feel the leathery tip of his whip gently graze the plumpest part of your ass cheek. You shiver anticipate its sting. "No," you say while trembling.

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