The Seduction of Sif -Ongoing

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"She moaned again as I assisted with my hands to spread her thighs even further into submission. Eagerly, I readied my silver tongue to do what it does best. I, the master of seduction, was just getting started....."

I watched her move from across Asgard's feast hall. A stream of shimmering golden hair that flowed and glinted in the light of the lit torch being held beside her caught my eye first. Oh did I want that between my hands, across my face, down my bare chest all the way until it streamed across my naked thighs like a waterfall as she sucked me between those perfect lips.

Next her eyes the color of the summer sky piercing, yet with an innocent glaze I would love to poison with my most pleasurable of punishments. Her face possessing the same virtuous yet pretentious expression. A face that would look best when flushed pink and contorted with pleasure as I ravaged her secretly in the confines of my sex scented filled chambers.

Soft curves of her plump lips revealing just enough amusement at the festivities, yet displayed a sense of boredom I could not help but want to rectify. Her shape a blend of soft curves and richness that oozed fertility, yet beneath it the facade a fake smiles and clanking mead horns, I sensed a yearning. I sensed hidden darkness, a shadow that begged to be set loose by only the most audacious of lovers, maybe even a bit twisted in the mind. Someone just like, me. Too bad she was Thor's. Or at least he believed so.

As I stood there amongst Asgard's inhabitants sipping my own horn of ale my mind began to turn ill as it always tends to. I watched Thor, the mightiest of all the gods, surrounded by awe struck gazes and congratulatory gestures and thought to myself Asgard could use a bit of a scandal, something so awful and disbelieving that it would out do even Odin's most treacherous behavior. I stared at innocent Sif, all unassuming, while Thor belched a folk song to the gods. Yes. This was going to be too easy.

A few moments later while I was picking through a tray of pastries a large powerful hand smacked me on the back sending a wave of ale from the drinking horn I so desperately clutched.

"Loki!" Thor's booming voice reverberated through my ribcage. "I am so glad you are able to join me for my wedding day! Let us toast and feast in honor of my beautiful new bride, Sif!"

Your beautiful new bride is already eyeing me. I caught her gaze from behind a pile of grapes she was sucking down between a set of luscious pink lips. Oh how I would love my fingers to be one of those right now. Thor sidled up beside me and placed his huge arm around my fur collared shoulder pulling me closer towards him. His drunken expression and scarlet tinged cheeks indicating to me he was drawing dangerously close to his mead limit, as impressive as that was. Perhaps.....

"Yes Thor," I sent him a look that expressed my annoyance with how he insisted on always manhandling me at Asgard's affairs. "I am just brimming over with exuberance to be here."  I was certain the tone of my voice, indicated otherwise.

Thor appeared to not care to hear my response. Known for becoming a bit maudlin when he overindulged in the mead, he continued to drone on endlessly about the beauty of his adoring new bride.

"Just look at her," he said while his biceps squeezed my neck tightly. The hot vapors of his mead stained breath reached my face. "Just look at that hair, that golden beautiful silken hair. I cannot wait to feel it in my hands."

"Yes." I smiled while watching the glittering strands of Sif's hair move and sway past her hips as she walked across the hall. Several of the other goddesses joined at her side, one of them Freya, who sent me a look of disgust. Perhaps I should be a bit more inconspicuous leering.

A servant passed and offered up a horn of mead. I threw out a hand between the horn and Thor's already reaching grasp.

"Thor it is your wedding night, think for a moment."

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