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I blink a few times for my eyes to get adjusted to the dark. I glance at my alarm clock and see I don't have to be awake until a few more hours.

I try to roll back over, but then I hear it.

The ringing sound.

My phone.

I yank open my drawer. It was my phone used for emergencies that only Commander Nash could call me on.

I flip the phone open, placing it directly on my ear, speaking into it, "Nash?"

"They're gone, Creed. They're gone." The remorse in his voice made me more awake than I thought I would be.

I have to sit up, "What? Who's gone? Nash? What's going on?" I fire questions before I can stop myself. It was too early for me to think clearly.

"The king, and the princes. They're gone."

I only heard the sound of my own heart beating into my ears. I get a better grip on the phone as I speak carefully into it, "How long?"

"Almost twenty-four hours." He says.

"Who knows?"

"Just you."

I bit down on my teeth, "What happened?"

"They were supposed to come in for a meeting early this morning. They didn't show. I called their security detail, no answer.

"We found the bodies of the security. All dead. I thought that maybe I could find them, not having to alert any of them. But there was no sign of them. I knew I had to call you. Sorry it's so early."

I stand, shrugging on some pants and a tank top as I stroll out of my room into the hallways of the castle. I glance out the window, seeing the dark blue sky in the night.

I had to let someone know so that we could find them.

"And the meeting? The people who were there? Moarta? What is going on with them?"

"They acted fast. Moarta seemed surprised. They didn't do it, as far as I know."

I stop midstep, "Didn't do it? You'd got to be kidding me, Nash!"

"We got nothing on them, Creed. Nothing! We have no fingerprints, no names, no faces, no evidence except the bodies we found. That's it. I don't like it any better than you do, because we both know Moarta must have been behind it. Everyone else in Illea wants these Peace Talks to happen and have something done. The only people who would benefit from this would be Moarta." There was anger in Nash's voice.

I massage my temple with my fingers, keeping my calm. I was gonna need it.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry." I mutter.

"People need to be alerted. Everyone is gonna have to know." Nash says, and I can tell he's apologetic about this.

"I know. I'm gonna let my mother know, and eventually get the word out. I'll call you later." I say, just about to hang up when he stops me.

"Wait, Creed. I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I failed."

I shake my head, "You did your best, sir. We'll get them back. I'll call you soon."

"Yeah we will, and thanks. I'll talk to you later man."

I hang up. Then I stuff the phone in my pocket and breathe in. Here we go.

I knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens, and I step in. Then I close the door behind me, glancing at my mother before I take a seat next to her.

"You wanted to see me." I say as I get comfortable in my seating. I knew this was important, especially being so soon from the announcement we had.

The one saying that the king and the two elder princes had gone missing.

"Yes." She says, and glances at her clasped hands on her lap. She sags her shoulders as she takes in a deep breath. Then she looks at me with some sort of regret.

I frown.

Not more bad news.

"I have some new for you, Creed." She says, and I don't like the way she says it so delicately. Like it's a big secret.

I wait for her to continue.

"I've been talking to Pat, Vic, and Doug a lot these past few days, and we've come up with a solution to solve the loss of a king."

Again, I wait.

"We've decided to make you the new king of Illea."

At first I feel like laughing. But then I feel the tension in the room, and the way her eyes are set on me as if she was doing something wrong. Then I knew she was serious.

"... What?" I ask.

She squeezes her eyes shut, "Ever since your father... went missing, we know that someone has to take the throne in his stead. And your older brothers are not here, so the only solution is you." She opens her eyes and wipes her tears away.

"Mom, I can't just become king! I have jobs I have to do to protect you all. I can't just give that all up to become king." I say incredulously, trying to get a hold of myself and my words.

But being king was the farthest I would ever want to be. I don't even think I would get married, especially with the kind of lifestyle I have. Waking up at four in the morning while the sky is still dark, going on dangerous missions are not something a girl looks for in a guy.

"We have the Blade Team for that as well as many other guards to do that. We need you here, in the castle, to govern everything."

I stand abruptly, so fast that she jumps as I stand in one position, "Why couldn't Sean do it?"

"Sean is the youngest, and doesn't know this like you do. You would be a great king."

I rest my arms folded across my chest, thinking. Yes, I could do it. I know I could. But that is way beyond the point.

"But there's a catch, Creed." Mom says before I can even tell her my answer.

I give her a look as she continues.

"You need to have a queen."

"Mom, you're a queen."

"I mean a wife." She says quietly.

I felt my chest slightly clench.

"We have to host a selection for you. And quickly, if you are to become king. We thought about only having eight or ten girls, at the most. We could host them for a couple weeks, and you pick a queen. It's the fastest way." She reasons.

"Assuming I would want to be king." I say before I can help it.


I sigh, "I know, mom. I know." I take in a deep breath, "Alright. I'll do it."

My mom stands and smiles, "You will?"

She has walked over to me know, and I smile, "For Illea and you." I say, planting a kiss on her cheek.

Her eyes light up, "Let's get some invitations sent out shall we?" She says, and practically pulls me out of the room.

I let her.

The Selection of Prince CreedWhere stories live. Discover now