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I can't believe what I'm hearing. All around me voices talk. What is the best strategy? Is this the best strategy? Will it work? Questions fly through the air as Creed lays out his plans. But he looks confident in his plans. This will work.

This is why he abolished that law. This is why he ended the selection and why they rushed to coronation. Without it would the advisors be as ready to agree? Because they were agreeing with Creed's plan of attack. They were giving their support.

Creed moves through his plan, again and again, answering any questions thrown his way. I don't know much, well anything, about military strategy. But Creed seems confident and I trust him. I have to.

When questions arise about Sebastian, Creed speaks just as confidently. He would find him. He would bring home the final missing piece of his family. He would make his family whole again. Creed is so confident in all he says that it's no surprise when everyone agrees to the plan.

By Monday, Illea will invade Moarta.


"I will be taking Sebastian's place."

I felt like my world was crumbling down with that single sentence. An intense buzzing fills my head, blocking out everything else. He's... I feel myself start to hyperventilate and force myself to take deep breaths. This can't be real.

But then I look up and he's leaving the room, his Blade Team following him, and Sean is stepping up to speak to the room. I try to catch Creed's eye as he leaves, but his face is stoic and set. He's not looking for acceptance of this plan. He's simply informing us. And my heart breaks a little more for him.

"From what we know, Fraser has built explosives into the bases that our soldiers have invaded. There's no way to get them all out in time to save their lives. Those are lives that Creed is not willing to sacrifice-"

Of course he isn't.

"Creed strongly believes he won't be killed. Fraser will want to keep him alive as long as possible. As long as Creed is in his possession he has leverage. This is the only way our king sees out of this. He's doing-"

He's sacrificing himself. He'd rather he be tortured and possibly killed than have his men die from a choice he pushed for.

"In the event that anything should happen, Creed has asked me to step up. I-" for the first time in his speech Prince Sean hesitates. He gulps the panic down for a moment as he looks around the room. He seems to find the person he's looking for and his gaze holds steady. "I will step up as Crown Prince and prepare to take the throne should the need arise."


My hold over myself breaks. Creed would only ask Sean to do this, this monumental thing that he himself hadn't even wanted thrust on him, if he thought he was going to die. Creed doesn't think he's coming home.

I cover my mouth as a sob threatens to break through me. Tears start to stain my cheeks and as I look around, I am not alone. Stevie's hand finds my other and she grips tightly. Looking into her face, it's ashen and terrified. Our worlds are changing. Drastically.

And we can only hope that everything will work out.



I hear his voice with the knock and part of me doesn't want to open the door.

If I open the door then it'll be real.

Creed will really be leaving. Flying off to Moarta to offer up his life on a silver platter to Fraser. My worst nightmare is coming true. But I also know that if I don't open that door I will regret it. I will regret it so deeply. I will regret it so deeply that it will fracture me.

The Selection of Prince CreedWhere stories live. Discover now