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In the next week we each get a day. An entire day of Creed, all to ourselves. I try really hard not to think about the time he might be spending with Adeline or Mia. Instead I focus on what we might do.

If I had my way, it would be a normal day. I need to know that at the heart of our relationship (that's what you would call it right?) that we can be a normal couple. That what is bringing us together is a genuine interest in each other. I just want time. Time with him and time to figure out what to do... what to choose. Which life I want.

My mind spins as both Adeline and Mia go on their dates, Stevie and I having the last two days. We're hanging out in the library trying to figure out what I should read next. I finally finished Dracula yesterday and it's time for a new book.

"What about Anne of Green Gables?" Stevie asks as she pulls a small book off of a low shelf. "It was one of my childhood favorites. And it's a whole series so if you really like it, you can just keep going with it."

"I will give it a shot," I shrug, taking the small book from her and instantly searching for a copy of the audiobook in the archives. It's there and I download it. I look up at Stevie smiling, "Well that was easy."

Stevie shrugs but stops in her tracks when we see a familiar blonde head appear in front of us. Prince Sean's face lights up when he sees Stevie and then he notices me there, "Ah the dream team! I was wondering if you ladies would like to help me, Joe and Theo set up the house for Thea and Tristan?"

"The house?" I ask, confused. "Won't they... won't they be staying here?"

Sean smiles as he shakes his head, "There are a few houses on the back lawns for different uses. Sebastian and Annie lived in one until things started with Moarta. We figure that Thea and Tristan will want their own space."

"I'd love to help," I nod and look to Stevie. She nods too and soon we've changed and are painting one of the walls in the living room a calming seafoam color. Stevie's hair is pulled up in a bandana and I can't stop myself from laughing as she somehow gets paint splatters all over her.

"Stop laughing! You're making it worse!" Stevie laughs as she shakes the roller at me.

Yeah they probably shouldn't have let us paint alone. Luckily there are drop clothes everywhere and really nothing we can ruin. We still have to repaint the ceiling and trims so there is really nothing stopping up from our mini paint war. It only lasts a couple of minutes but it's long enough that we're covered when we finally call it a day and leave the room. When he sees it Sean cracks up and hands each of us a bottle of water.

"Is there any paint on the walls?" He teases as he tries to wipe a spot off of Stevie's nose. She blushes deeply but Sean only smiles wider.

I can't wait for these two to get together already.

I let them dissolve into a conversation and move to the two younger princes. They're putting the finishing touches on their own room. They had been helping Sean install the handicap rails and then began painting the guest room a soothing yellow color.

"It's a little bright, isn't it?" I ask as I walk in.

Both boys laugh at the paint covering me and Joe shakes his head, "You two are a menace."

"But the good kind, right?" I ask, my hand on my hip. I try to look stern but both boys laugh harder.

"Of course," Theo nods but the next thing I know, there's a yellow paintbrush coming down across my shirt.

"Oh! You are in for it!" I laugh and I lunge but Joe steps between us.

He's smiling and looking down at both of us. Dang, how is he so young but already taller than me? Joe holds his hands out between us, acting as a blockade. He looks at both me and Theo, "Okay you two, put the brushes down and no one gets hurt."

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