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Interviewee: OVERLORD

Interviewers: ARCEE & RATCHET

The Transcript

Overlord: Hey.

Arcee: Hi.

Ratchet: Stop making goo-goo eyes at her.  Do we need to get someone else?

Arcee: Yeah.

Overlord: No.

Ratchet: [standing] I'm getting someone else.

Arcee: [standing] Good idea.  Get a guy.

Interviewee: OVERLORD

Interviewers: IRONHIDE & RATCHET

The Transcript (Take 2)

Ironhide: [sitting] Yeah, I had a feeling that would happen when I saw Arcee being your interviewer.

Overlord: Hm.

Ratchet: Okay, calm down.  We know you like her.  You'll see her in, like, three minutes.

Overlord: Okay, whatever.

Ironhide: Question one, boys.  Let's get a move on.  Overlord, what was your relationship with Ultra Magnus?

Overlord: Acquaintance.  I never knew him.  We just met yesterday afternoon during the sandstorm.  I offered him and his six boys a place to stay while they waited out the storm.  The storm ended during the night.

Ratchet:  Okay.  Question two: what were your thoughts about Ultra Magnus?

Overlord:  I mean, I was pretty much neutral.  He seemed like a decent bloke; he was always caring for that anxious fellow.

Ratchet: Red Alert.

Overlord: Yeah, yeah, Red Alert.  Poor guy.  He really seemed to like Maggie.  Magnus seemed to know how to lead and take care of you all.  It's a dangerous world, but he looked like he knew what he was doing.

Ratchet:  Okay, last question.  Who do you think did it?

Overlord:  I don't know.  No one seems to hate him.

Ironhide:  Just give us someone.

Overlord:  Fine.  Airachnid.

Ratchet:  How come?

Overlord:  She's mean.

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