trailcutter & a brief intermission.

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Interviewee: TRAILCUTTER

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Interviewee: TRAILCUTTER

Interviewers: BUMBLEBEE & RED ALERT (aka "Reddie")

The Transcript

Due to Bee's voice box being damaged, the transcript is translated.

Trailcutter: Hey, Reddie, calm down. It's alright.

Red Alert: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Bumblebee: For the transcript record, Red Alert is scared out of his mind right now. He is shaking, you barbarians. Geez, there's no need to put someone like him through such stress.

Red Alert: It's okay, Bee. Thanks for caring, but I think I can pull through. Okay, first question. What was your relationship with Ultra Magnus?

Trailcutter: None. Yup, that's all.

Bumblebee: Okay. Two: what were your thoughts about Ultra Magnus?

Trailcutter: Nothing. I only got to see his body. I was passed out from being drunk all yesterday and last night. I like myself a good bottle of Nightmare Fuel.

Red Alert: Ah. Last one. Who do you think did it?

Trailcutter: Maybe it's because I have literally no bias, but I think you are all forgetting about an additional killer.

Bumblebee: What? Who?

Trailcutter: Ultra Magnus, duh! I may not talk too much, but boy do I listen. If he was really as anxious and OCD as people say he is, he might have burned himself out. No better way to end it than in a place where no one knows you. No judgement in a place where no one knows your name.

[Red Alert starts crying]

Red Alert: So he just gave up on us all?!

Trailcutter: Reddie, no, no! I'm just saying it's a possibility. Ya'll are like "it was him" and "no, it was her", but you are forgetting you don't need two to make a death. Anyways, if we are thinking it is murder, you all might also want to ask where everyone was last night.

We all looked around at each other, awaiting someone to say something. The previous interview team had emerged from the Overlord's office, and Bee had muttered to me about what Trailcutter had suggested. I passed on the sensitive message to Overlord, and his optics widened with horror at the thought. He had announced to the crowd that Magnus might have committed this against himself, and silence covered the room.

Cyclonus raised a gentle hand.

"Yes?" I called.

"Magnus didn't believe in suicide," Cyclonus continued. "He once told me he found honor in dying fighting for the rights and freedom of his people."

"Is this true?" Overlord inquired to the other newcomers.

They all slowly began to nod, and a gust of sand glided through the vacant air. Starscream abandoned his seat to shut the front door, and the large chamber grew a bit darker as a source of sunlight was cut off.

"But what if he was secretly unhappy?" Swerve proposed.

"Magnus was very happy," Ratchet retorted. "Orion Pax, a therapist back at our home town, gave him a psych exam about a year ago. Said he was the most stable person he had seen in awhile. The things he enjoys might seem unusual to us, but he found joy where we didn't."

"That could be a lie," Swerve whispered to me.

"Shush," I hissed. "Ratchet, you are sure Magnus was happy?"

"Yes. One thousand percent."

"Maybe it's someone else!" Swerve cried. "Maybe it was a sniper!"

"You buffoon. He was hung," Elita-One snapped.

Swerve gently slid behind the grand form of Overlord, abashed about his unfitting suggestion. I rolled my optics, trying to push aside the thought of Overlord's unhinged deputy.

"Trailcutter also brought up another point," I called to the audience. "We need to know where all of you were last night. Alright, down the line!"

"The bar until about 10:00," Starscream replied. "Went home right after to go to sleep."

"Town hall sorting papers," Overlord said.

"My house," Megatron sneered.

"I was out in the woods," Airachnid informed. She blew a small kiss to Overlord, and he bared his sharpened teeth at her.

Swerve did a little dance. "My house gettin' some sleep!"

"Asleep in Starscream's bar. I was the first to find Magnus." Trailcutter rubbed the back of his neck.

"Tailgate and I were asleep in the hotel along with Arcee's gang." Cyclonus pulled his lover closer to his side, and my people nodded their agreement.

"I was asleep in my house," Elita-One said.

"My hotel room with Ratchet." Red Alert smiled peacefully at his new leader.

"Alone in my hotel room," Tarn grumbled.

"I was in my room sleeping, and I was the one rooming with Magnus." Cliffjumper placed his broad hands into his lap. "I didn't hear anything. Whatever happened, it was very quiet. I am a light sleeper."

"Thank you all. I am keeping a page of information with all of your pictures. I will add this information to it along with your interview information." I placed my hands upon my hips. "I will also be adding any personality info I hear from your peers. Alright, back to interviews."

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