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The rest of the fifth day was uneventful until sundown struck. With Starscream out of service and the bar being full game, we drank as if our thirsts hadn't been quenched in eons. It was so irresponsible, but we were stressed and needed a reset. Oh, and Prowl had finally decided to take Tarn into his care after some calls led by Swerve. Apparently he liked the small Cybertronian much more, and he was happy to offer aid to someone who was dear to the deputy. Prowl had arrived that morning with some of his fellow citizens to take the poor monk away, and we just told them he had accidentally mistook scraplet poison for Nightmare Fuel. Prowl got a real hoot out of it, a drunkard monk that is, and they left without further questions.

We didn't want to drag more people into this. According to Airachnid, there was a system, and we didn't want to add more moving parts and endanger others. Tarn was definitely no longer a suspect.

I had also visited Starscream's hole again, and I dug further down to see if something was buried. Nothing was to be found. He really did dig it because he was bored. We each took turns guarding Starscream's cell, and we knew the killer wouldn't release him because that would immediately reveal they were the ringleader of the operation.

Trailcutter was quietly ambling about the bar as we all bustled about, buzzed and social, and I could tell he was intoxicated to distract from the traitorous nature of his comrade. I too would be shaken to my core if I found out one of my own was a killer.

And I hope to Primus I don't have to experience that jolt.

My peripheral vision was blurry from the influence of the vibrant drugs running through my veins, and I remember Overlord telling me that Red Alert was in his home. The red Cybertronian apparently disliked being around those who were drunk, and he decided to retire early for the night. I was just happy he was secure, and Overlord and I talked in garbled voices for countless hours. That is what it at least felt like, and we talked about nonsensical things like ships that fly underwater or cars that race on clouds. Great creative material, but the conversation only made complete sense to someone who was sipping away on energon. It was probably the strangest bonding experience I had ever had.

Ratchet was guarding Starscream's cell for the duration of the celebration or whatever it was, so he couldn't partake in the fun. A sudden gunshot rang out, and little bits of a ceiling support rained down over Cliffjumper. A revolver was gripped in his shivering fist, and he directed it sluggishly down at Tailgate. The woozy small Cybertronian gazed up at his aggressor and started cackling.

"It isn't funny, you runt!" Cliff snapped. "We all know you did it! You were with Magnus in Megatron's blacksmith house when he was making the chains, weren't you? You did it!"

Tailgate put his hands upon his chest. "You really think someone like me has the strength to hang someone of Magnus's size?"

"Starscream does! You just made it happen!" Cliff retorted.

Cyclonus ripped his repeating rifle out from a holster strapped to his back, and he poked Cliffjumper's cheek with the muzzle. "Get away!"

I got up from my seat after taking another sip of my Nightmare Fuel. "Boys, boys, do we really need to?"

Ironhide revealed his own dual pistols and pointed them at me. "Let's have a shoot out!" he cried.

"Stop this!" Overlord jumped up from his seat, and he seized Ironhide's weapons with one sweep of his massive hand. The guns crinkled as he crushed them in his grand fist. "Everyone get back in your chairs!"

After some hesitation, the crowd gathered around different tables and slipped their guns away. Cyclonus and Cliff continued to glare at each other as Overlord began to address everyone. He held a large bottle of K-Juice in his limp fingers as he waltzed about, moving his hands wildly like a toxic preacher as he spoke.

"We are all a bit spooked right now, I get ya, but we ain't gonna go killin' each other, ya know? If ya kill, you the killer. That's my logic."

"We all need to go home," Chromia said. "We all drunk and loosing it." She swooned a bit.

Overlord pointed excitedly at her before he downed the rest of his drink. He threw the bottle on the floor, and as it crashed upon the ground, he shouted, "Amazing idea, pretty girl!"

Ironhide got up, his eyes ablaze. "She's mine!"

Cyclonus rolled his eyes before he took Tailgate's hand, and he guided him out the door into the chilly summer night. Sunny and Bee followed their lead, but we all prepared to watch an amazing show. Ironhide prowled up to the town's leader and bared his thick teeth at the larger male.

"You already got a lass!" Ironhide spat.

A table thumped as Trailcutter finally lost consciousness, and a great, belting laugh erupted from his tablemate, Swerve. The bumbling Cybertronian patted the snoozing Trailcutter's head before bouncing to the head of the room, his fists up. He threw some weak punches at Ironhide's side.

"I'll fight for you, my leader!" he cawed to Overlord.

Overlord promptly pushed his deputy to the ground. "Imma take him!"

"Do you all realize how stupid you look?" Elita-One called from her seat.

Airachnid sipped cheerfully on her drink next to her, her violet optics wide and locked upon the two men challenging each other. "I vote on a bet!"

The bar erupted in a frenzy of excitement as everyone began to empty their hip satchels onto the tables, and the clinking of coins sounded like rapid rain. We threw our money into either Ironhide's or Overlord's pile before shuffling outside into the indigo night, happy for some incredible drunkard action. What a shame Trailcutter had to miss it; it was absolutely hilarious. Both of them were so intoxicated they were seeing double, so no contact was made for the first five comical minutes. Just a lot of weak swipes and passing verbal assaults. I was drunk and enjoying myself, and we all screamed wildly as Ironhide finally planted a solid knife hand to Overlord's trachea.

Overlord immediately became enraged and swung his muscular leg about, promptly kicking Ironhide in the head. My red comrade faceplanted and remained still, and applause broke out. Overlord threw his hands into the air, jumping on his toes, pleased with his ridiculous achievement. We split up the money to the rightful winners before heading back to our hotels. And yes, Ironhide was left there. Not even Chromia was conscious enough to take her somewhat lover back to his bed.

Overlord and I were cheerfully cackling and singing strange jingles about his victory, and we decided to do some more celebrating back at his home. As we stepped through his front door, I found out how quickly I could be sobered up. My peripheral returned as horror shook my mind, and I heard Overlord suck in a sharp gasp.

A lengthy chain hung from the chandelier in the high ceiling living room, and Red Alert's corpse was tied to the end. He swung from his neck, like Magnus, but this time, something was written on the victim's chest.


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