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It was a simple, devilish plan that anyone could carry out. And I did just that.

I meandered up to Starscream's adorable little bar, and my eyes traced the long lines of verdigris starting to form on the steps as I entered the warm building. He was busily trying to wipe off some gook on a table, and he gazed up at me.

"Oh, hi, Arcee."

"Hello, Starscream. Do you have any nausea medicine that might help Tarn?"

"I got some stuff in the back. You can go check."

I nodded my thanks to the petite Seeker before meandering innocently to the back room. I snuck behind the bar and slipped through the closet door, and I flipped a small switch upon the wall. The swinging light above awoke, and the moving illumination revealed the backup cups and stools Starscream owned. He had some medical supplies for those who were feeling under the weather, especially from intoxication. I rifled through the small box of bottles and pills before finding some chalky nausea tablets. I peered over my shoulder, checking to make sure the bartender's optics were not following me.

I ventured deeper down the hallway like closet, and I encountered a small, rusty tin with the signature "Afternoon Tea" logo imprinted on it. The fantastical font was dulled from exposure to humidity, and I gently removed the box from the shelf. I slipped the tablet jar under my arm before opening the tin, and the lid removed with a humorous little pop.

The teabags nested inside were floating among a strange blackish soup, and a foul stench poured from the turbid substance. I yanked my head back in response to the scent. The hell was it? I knew Starscream mentioned the Afternoon Tea he served Ultra Magnus was untouched by the people of the town, so maybe this was just gook built up over time? Just humidity and water condensation mixing with the tea? But it smelt so horrific, and I doubt anyone in their right mind would serve something that was marinating in swamp water.

I put the tin in my hand next to the tablets, and I pondered a way to safely seek the tea out without Starscream noticing. I returned to the medicine box, wanting to find another container to put it in, but I tripped over a metal jug. I stumbled and righted myself, and I glared at what had tried to make me fall. A large container of scraplet poison was resting on the floor, and my optics widened as I finally realized what the mystery fluid could be. I hastily knelt down and removed the crushed cap of the poison, and I wafted whatever was concealed inside. The pungent smell was identical.

The first killer was Starscream.

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