DAY 4 - psychotic.

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I only saw a pleasant shade of red underneath my eyelids, and I slowly opened my optics to view the bedroom lit by the rising suns welcoming yet another day. Overlord was hunched in the small chair, his head resting against his broad chest as he snoozed. I pulled my mushed pillow out from underneath my head and tossed it at the comely male. He elegantly stirred and drowsily gazed at the soft projectile now resting in his lap.

"Wakey, wakey," I whispered.

Overlord calmly stretched before he abandoned his seat, and he rubbed his sore back as he approached the bed. He clambered over me and flopped down on the opposing side of the mattress before curling his legs around me, enveloping my entire body into his own.

"Oh, is this alright?" he muttered.

"Yes," I whispered.

Overlord's arms pulled me in closer. I angled my head back, and his optics were shut again as he attempted to catch up on the sleep he didn't receive the previous night.

The town was exceptionally quiet for the time. Most rose at sunrise to start their busy day and complete tasks; I would have heard Megatron slamming his hammer upon a metal rod by now. I sat up, and Overlord attempted to gingerly pull me back down, his fingers pressing against my waist. I patted on his cheek, and he grunted.

"Overlord, get up."

He sighed and raised his brow before slipping out from underneath the covers. "What?"

"Where is everyone?"

"Probably sleeping."

"No. Everyone would be up at this hour."

I jumped onto the floor and dashed out the bedroom's door, and I knocked on Chromia and Ironhide's door. The floor creaked as Overlord ambled after me. I stuck my head into the room, and their beds were vacant. Overlord tagged along as I darted out of the room and swept down the hallway, and the outdoor light broke over me we erupted out into the abandoned town. A slow gust of wind dragged by, disturbing some of the dead bushes lined up along the buildings. Overlord looked about, and he suddenly took off towards our left, and I scrambled behind him.

I began to recognize the path we were closely following: it was to the hole.

As we pulled further from the town and into the surrounding field, I saw the crowd come into view. Their backs were to us as they stared down into the long pit. I slowed my desperate run as we came up to the grouping of silent Cybertronians, and they turned to me with sorrowful optics as I pushed through the rows to the front. Overlord was tall enough to gaze over everyone's heads, and his expression dropped when he leaned forward to see into the darkness. I finally got to see what the matter was.

Megatron was sitting at the bottom of the hole, his glazed optics staring freakishly towards the hazy blue sky. He was drenched in his own energon, and the glow of his inorganic blood allowed for me to see the gruesome details of his stiff corpse. I began to hyperventilate, and my wheezing gasps echoed through the uneasy silence. Ironhide brought me into his arms, and he pressed my head into his warm chest.

"His...face!" I muttered. " ripped it off!"

The alloy flesh on his head was indeed severed from his body, and the limp sheet of his face was placed into his posed hands. Whoever dumped his body here also decided to position him to hold his own shocked expression. I slowly turned my head as a wild, shrill cackle spewed from someone's mouth, and Airachnid's shoulders bounced up and down as she howled.

"The hell is your problem?!" Swerve barked. "Megatron got fucking mutilated, and you think that's funny?"

Airachnid pressed her quivering hand to her lips, trying to calm her humor. "Oh, ho ho, it's not that, my dear Swerve. It's just...I know who it is."

"What?" Cliff tensed up on the other side of the pit, and he swiveled his head around as he pondered about the people surrounding him.

"I caught them last night," Airachnid continued. "I heard them in Megatron's blacksmith lair, or whatever it's called, and I decided to get out of bed and check it out. I saw it all. The killer drawing him in, the kill itself, and the display before us. I captured them and brought them back to my own house for some quiet interrogation. And then I let them go."

"Let them go?" Cyclonus's optics widened. "You moron! You had them, and you let them go?!"

"Oh, Cyclonus, you should know me by now. I love to watch something like this. Why would I deny myself that entertainment? Now that I am out of the suspect circle, I can just watch."

"You are still a suspect, Airachnid. Especially now," I sneered.

"Ah, but I am telling you all that I am not the killer. I know the motives, and I know the qualifications for being decided to be a victim. And it's pretty psychotic. Oh, and one more hint. There's actually two killers."

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