32: Noite das meninas

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noite das meninas; girls' night

This morning Caroline burdened me with the information that Elena might be or is sired to Damon. And now we're having a girls' night. Their logic doesn't make any sense.

"One for you, one for you. And you already have two," Elena said as she passed champagne bottles. Bonnie reached into the box and pulled out a blood bag about to hand it to Caroline. "Actually, it's for me," Elena said.

"Oh, I thought--"

"Are you saying that--"

"Thanks to Damon, I am now a functional dysfunctional vampire," she drank the blood bag happily. "That's amazing," Bonnie stuttered. "Uh, what do you mean, thanks to Damon," Caroline asked. I knew what was about to happen after this. "Well, he suggested that I try it again. So I did, and it worked. No more snatch, eat, and erase," Elena came to sit beside me.

"So where is my least favorite Salvatore," Caroline asked. "Out with Stefan for the night. Don't wait up brother bonding," I read her messages. "Hmm. So you guys check-in text now? What else do you do," Caroline asked completely full of judgment.

"I know that you're not the biggest fan, he kind of just changed my life. Do you mind laying off on all the hate," Elena asked. "Okay. New girls' night rule-- no boy talk, yeah. Why talk when we have this," Bonnie said and brought some stoner tea probably from Shane.

"Is that stoner tea," Caroline asked. "It's spirit tea. It opens up your chi or whatever. Come one. It's not drugs. Shane is helping me do natural magic without having to access the spirits," Bonnie said after Caroline scoffed. Caroline hummed sarcastically, making me scoff.

"Don't judge," I said. "I hereby vow not to be judgmental for the rest of the evening. Even if you all are potentially ruining your lives as I stand idly by, it's your choice," Caroline said. She just judged them in an attempt not to judge them.

"I'll drink to that," Elena grabbed her drink and we cheered.

10 minutes later we were dancing and drinking. Laughter and music filled the house as we jumped around. I don't know how many champagne bottles we have gone through but Elena popped open another.

Moments later we were chilling in Damon's bathtub. "Check this out-- vamp speed video," Bonnie sent the video to us. We laughed when we saw Elena speeding around to get another champagne bottle.

"I look like Superman. This year's Christmas card," She paused the video at the right time to see her speeding and her face almost clear. "Being a vampire is so weird. Oh, my God, I love this bathtub. Why don't we come and hang out here more often," Elena slurred.

"I'll tell you why. Cooties. Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon had lured into his den of iniquity," Caroline laughed but nobody laughed with her killing the vibe. "Okay. I'm sorry. I've been good all night. I am stopping now."

"No. Don't stop on my account. Rip away. I mean, it's only Damon, right," Elena said. "Well, say what you want about ripper Stefan but at least he wasn't a man-slut," Caroline chuckled. "So what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him," Elena asked.

"I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist he was," Caroline said. "Okay. Now I feel targeted," I said. "He's always been there for me when I needed him," Elena said. "Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him."

"Well, maybe I did."

"You go, girl," I hit her shoulder. "You did what," Caroline asked shocked. "You didn't," Bonnie said disappointedly. "Yeah. I did."

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