40: Fica por favor

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fica por favor; stay, please

Apparently, the witches-- Agnes-- tried to kidnap me yesterday which is why Klaus was so worried. I took a long debate to get him to let me go with my brother today. I still had so many questions. Well, I have questions but I don't know what they are. So here we are...

"So I know I'm from Brazil and dad's from Brazil. Were you born there too? Você fala a lingua," I asked. "Si," he responded. "That's Spanish," I squinted at him. "Nooooo," he dragged out sarcastically. I don't like him.

"So if you were 13 that night that means you're 23 now. Legal age," I huffed. "What?"

"Since I'm pregnant I can't drink so Klaus has me on cranberry juice, apple juice, and grape juice," I said sadly. "Sounds like he really cares for you," Carlos said.

"He better. When I got here I poisoned the baby and he almost killed me for doing so," I shrugged as if it weren't a big deal. "Why'd you kill the baby?"

"Long story short. Got pregnant, left, found out I was pregnant, and broke down. So tell me more about you," I said changing the subject. "What do you want to know?"

"I don't know. Uh-- Any past loves or present loves," I smirked. "No," he said strictly. "So there is something. Or someone. It's okay. I won't ask anymore if you don't about Klaus," I shrugged. "You said that Marcel saved you. Did he raise you too?"

"Yeah. Another reason why I'm loyal to him."

"You do realize what that means, right? That means we're on different sides. I can't be caught fraternizing with the enemy," I backed away from him my hands up. "What makes you think it's good for me to be here also fraternizing with the enemy."

"War's brewing."

"So if coffee;. But what side will you pick."

"Star-crazed forbidden family, sibling."

"One has to make the first move."

"Who will it be?" I circled each other with big smiles. Carlos seemed to be handy with knives so he pulled one out. He threw at me but I turned it around with my magic. He caught it and charged at me. I closed my eyes and when I felt nothing I opened them. He was gone.

I turned around and there he was sitting in the chair reading a book. Huh. "How'd you get over there," I asked. "Magic." "No, seriously."

"I walked. You really think I'd hurt a pregnant girl," Carlos gleamed and I shrugged. "Can you turn," he asked and nodded no. Carlos's phone dinged and he looked at his messages. "Marcel found dead witches in the bayou and he's taking Klaus with him because they suspect it's a werewolf," Carlos said.

"I guess that's it for today," I shrugged. "See ya, Princesa," Carlos left. I rushed to find Klaus before He left and I found him just in time. He was opening the door to leave but I closed it before he exited. "Let me come with you," I demanded. "I'm not up for another debate right now. You cannot come. Let Marcel ays eyes on you again--"

"I just found out that he basically raised Carlos. So if he didn't know who I was before he definitely knows now."

"I'm not risking it. Goodbye, princess," he kissed my forehead and left. I huffed and turned, balling my hands to fist. "Breathe. Not that big of a deal. But these hormones aren't helping," I said trying to calm myself down. I walked circles in the living room calming my breathing.

I don't understand why I'm so clingy these days. Maybe it's to make up those days where I didn't see him. Rebekah, Hayley, and Sophie were on their own little adventure and I couldn't leave the house. It's not fair.

I made calling noises until I was greeted by my dog. It's been a while since I've played with him. He followed me around the living room as I went to the bookshelf and grabbed a book. I wasn't very fond of reading but it'll let the time pass by or at least allow me to fall asleep.

I laid down on the couch and Hirath climbed up here with me. I picked a fairytale book-- the original one-- and read it to him. Until I eventually fell asleep.


I was in the state of being awake but asleep at the same time. I heard the conversation but paid no attention to it. But from what I gathered Elijah's back.

Moments later I felt a pair of arms lift me up bridal style. I took a heavy whiff of the person then relaxed into their arms. It was Klaus. I'm assuming he walked me to my room before placing me in my bed and tucking me in.

He gently kissed my forehead and was about to leave but I stopped him. I grabbed his wrist and opened my eyes into slits. "Stay... please," I asked. I didn't see his response but he peeled my hand from his wrist. I frowned hearing him walk away.

He left the room and came back ten minutes later. I felt the bed dip and the blanket lift a little. Next thing I know he pulls me into his chest. His hands roamed my stomach gently. By the way, I was showing now.

890 words

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