43: Nunca te deixarei

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nunca te deixarei; i'll never leave you

I had to call Carlos to pick Elijah and I up from the bayou. Klaus took the car when he left and Carlos was happy to pick his little sister up from the middle of nowhere. He was really ecstatic when I told him that I found a book connecting our line to the Crescent wolves pack. There were two different parts of the book but they came together with my dad and his brother. Hayley's dad.

I was going to show Carlos then Hayley the book once I got to the plantation. Unfortunately, Carlos had to dip after dropping us off because he's at the beck and call of Marcel. So I left the book to Hayley who was also ecstatic.

When I got back home I saw that Camille was here and she was with Klaus. He was ratting out all his problems to her. He knew I didn't like that and did it anyway. He makes me seem like such a brat. I hate feeling jealous.

I stomped off to my room and took a shower. Afterward, I climbed into bed and tried to sleep. You'd think it was easy since I was in a bayou for two days but it was not. I kept tossing and turning. My brain was working on overload.

The irritation was killing me. I stormed back downstairs to the living room where Camille and Klaus were. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound mean but can you please leave," I asked sadly. She looked at Klaus then at me. "Gladly," she left in a hurry.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief then left Klaus there. "I-- I just wanted to say that I am sorry."

"Is that all," he asked, not turning to look at me. His voice sounded so cold. "Y-yes," I walked away heading back upstairs to my room. I heard Klaus leave minutes later.

I still couldn't sleep so I sat on the bed looking at the ceiling letting my thoughts cloud my mind.

In the moments where I was alone in my thoughts family overcame me multiple times. Reminding me of the family I left behind in Mystic Falls. Which drove me to call Caroline. "Hello," her sweet voice brought up many memories.

"Hi, Care," I said and she gasped. "Cam! Oh, I'm so happy to hear from you. You left without a trace. Are you okay? Why'd you leave? Are you coming back? I've been worried sick--" she rambled.

"I'm fine. I left because-- because I wanted to find more about my brother and my biological family."

"Oh. Well, did you find anything?" Her mood seemed to dimmer. "Yes. But, Caroline, my biological family could never replace you or Liz. I hope you know that."

"Aww. Well don't just leave me hanging, did you find your brother," she asked. "Yeah-"

"Well, what's he like? Is he cute," Caroline asked. "How would I know that? He's my brother. Anyway, I have more news... I'm pregnant," I said quickly, afraid of the outcome.

"Really! I'm afraid to ask but who's the father?"

"Klaus. Caroline was definitely holding in an outburst on the other side of the phone because she went quiet. "How many months are you," she asked calmly. "Three or four," I said. "Oh. Well, what about school."

"I've been doing school online. I'll be at graduation though," I gleamed. "Who else knows you're pregnant?"

"Damon and Liz."

"What?! Damon knew before me!"


"Okay, okay. I'll calm down."

"So what have I missed over in Mystic Falls."

Caroline and I caught up for the remaining time until Klaus came back. And so did Rebekah. I thought she left.

I went downstairs to see what I had missed. Little did I know that I would regret that very decision.

"Elijah is home. There's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today," I heard Rebekah say as I entered the living room. "I contemplated a game of eeny meeny miny moe," Klaus sped up the Rebekah and put the dagger against her neck from behind her.

"You betrayed me, my own sister," Klaus fussed. "Niklaus, don't you dare," Elijah entered as well. "Well, perhaps it should be you, brother stealing my child away with every fawning moment of tenderness you show to Cameron," Klaus spat out.

"This had nothing to do with Cameron."

"It has everything to do with her!! She's adored you since you arrived, and now child, my blood will grow up to call you father," Klaus yelled pointing the dagger at Elijah. "Is that what this is? You worry that my admiration for Elijah will push you out of the picture. That you'll be left behind. Klaus, I am not leaving you. We are not leaving you. If anything you push us away. I push you away," I said stepping closer causing him to lower the dagger.

"Is that so? What have I done lately other than cooperate? I bowed down to you, brother, to make up for daggering or the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. Looked the other way, sister, while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again with a man you shouldn't be with. While he controls the empire that we built! That he took! And you. I fall into the endless cycle of heartbreak time after time! Now, I make no excuses for past sins, but in the one moment when you could've chosen to stand by me, to believe in me and believe my intentions for you and my own child were pure, you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies. I want our home back. And now I have it. So I'm going to live there, and the two of you, you can stay here together and rot. You're coming with me."

I followed Klaus outside to the car trying to understand what just happened. I stopped as he opened the door for me. "Klaus, before I get into this car. You have to understand that I'd never leave you. And you'll never be replaced. Not as long as my heart beats for you."

"I wish I could believe that but time and time again you seem to misplace your means."

1052 words

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