Chapter 19

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Lucas's POV: So after lunch I was playing fight with Toby cause why not lol, then someone knocked on the door.

Brian: I'll get it since you two are too busy killing each other - I chuckled

He opened the door and it was Chloe

Brian: Hi Chloe. Come in

Chloe: Thank you - she came inside - Bad timing?

Brian: I wouldn't know

Chloe: Lol

Toby: Hey! I'm winning

Lucas: Yeah right - I grabbed him by the legs and held him upside down

Toby: Ok ok ok ok!! - I put him on the couch - Fine.. you win this one

I slapped him in the back of the head. He got up and went near Chloe. She hugged him then he held her hand

Toby: Come sweetheart, leave this weirdo alone

I took a step forward and he hid behind her

Chloe: Ok boys, enough

Toby: What are you doing here by the way? Gonna study again? - she blushed a little bit

Lucas: Toby

Toby: Yes?

Lucas: Your tv is calling you

Toby: I don't hear it

Lucas: Go take a closer look

Toby: I'm good - I rolled my eyes

Lucas: Well, suit yourself- I sat back down on the couch. Chloe came and sat too and Toby sat near her

Toby: Let's watch a movie, shall we? - I sighed, Chloe looked at me and giggled

Lucas: Qué haces acá? - (what are you doing here?)

Chloe: Te extrañe - (I missed you)

Lucas: En serio? - (really?)

Chloe: Bueno, un poquito, nada más. No empeces! - (Well, a little bit, that's all. Don't even start!)

Toby: Not cool, not cool at all.. bye - he went upstairs

She took her shoes off, I got a blanket.

Chloe: Hm..

Lucas: Yeah I know - I went to the laundry room, got a clean hoodie and gave it to her. She just smiled and put it on. I sat on the couch and got comfy and so did she. I opened my arms

Chloe: You want a hug or something?

Lucas: Ok then - I sat back and she made a pouty face, I opened my arms again and she cuddled into my chest, and we started watching the movie.

Yeah... I don't know how to explain it.

Dani's POV: I was a mess. I put some sweatpants and a hoodie on and went out to get Starbucks. My mom took my car since hers is in the shop so I walked. I got my coffee and was about to leave when it started raining.

Dani: Great.. - I put the hood on and I was about to leave when Erika came in

Erika: Hey!

Dani: Hi - my voice kinda cracked, I couldn't help it

Erika: Are you ok?

Dani: Meh.

Erika: Do you wanna talk about it?

Dani: I'll tell you.. Can you give me a ride to Ryan's?

Erika: Yeah of course. Let me just get some coffee

Dani: Ok - Rik got her coffee and some cookies and we ran to her car. It was pouring

Erika: Ok.. what's going on?

So I explained everything, I let a few tears escape. She said something like Lucas.

Erika: It is valid tho. You two just have to talk about it

Dani: I don't know if he'll want to talk to me..

Erika: Of course he will. He's crazy about you

Dani: Right

Erika: He is, trust me

Dani: Ok ok

She stopped in front of Ryan's house and beeped.

Erika: Go get him girl

Dani: Lol. Thank you

Erika: Anytime. Call me if you need anything k?

Dani: Alright, thanks. Bye

Erika: Byee

I got off the car and ran to Ryan's door. I knocked on the door and he opened. He was shirtless.

Ryan: Danielle? - I was going to talk then a girl came from the living room with his shirt on

Dani: Sorry.. to interrupt. I'll leave now - I turned around and walked away and Ryan came after me

Ryan: No no it's not what you think! - he held my hand - It's not like that I promise

Dani: It's fine Ryan, you don't have to explain anything to me, I'm nothing to you

Ryan: No Dani, you're everything! You mean a lot to me, more than anyone. Please.. it's not what it looks like. - I stood quiet for a few seconds- Can we go back inside? It's pouring! - I sighed and we went inside

Ryan: This is Anne, she's my mom's goddaughter. She got here soaking wet because of the rain and I just have her my shirt.

Anne: Yeah and I was going to get him his hoodie but I couldn't find it. - I stared at her - Nothing I happened I swear! I have a boyfriend

Dani: Ok

Ryan: We're going upstairs. My mom said she will be here soon, you can watch tv, eat, whatever you want

Anne: Yeah ok, thanks

We went upstairs to Ryan's bedroom. I was soaking wet and so was he. He gave me some small gym shorts he had and a hoodie, and he changed into some sweatpants and a shirt. Then we sat down on his bed

Ryan: Are you ok? You look like you have been crying..

Dani: I have. Ryan... I'm really sorry about yesterday. I was such a bitch. You didn't deserve that, I'm really sorry.

Ryan: It's ok. I just wanted to know what was going on. That's all - I sighed

Dani: Relationships, boyfriends or even just friends.. they sucked for me.. for a long time.. so I shut down. And then coming here and meeting the crew.. and getting to know you.. just seemed unreal. I will never forgive myself if I hurt you.. and I don't know what I would do if you hurt me..

Ryan: Dani I..

Dani: Wait. I know what you're gonna say that you won't hurt me cause you're the sweetest guy. But I also know that we don't control the future so instead of pushing everyone back because I'm scared.. I guess I just gotta live a little

He smiled and hugged me. We stood like that for a while. Then he pecked my lips which made me smile. We laid back on his bed and watched a movie. Lucas's right, I gotta enjoy the present, and I will

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