Chapter 8

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With Matt..

"Those were some rather slicked moves back there" Matt commented as he walked beside Pidge, both taking the lead along the public library around the edge of the city. It had a stone wall that only came to Pidge hips around the building and the building itself mostly had glass walls making them able to see any danger from each side come before it reached them. Public phones built in the only stone walls of the building, still ready for use if someone slipped in some coins. 

"I mean, I wasn't always a skilled fighter. You mostly learn as you go and I know I'm good but I know I'm not that good" Matt carried on speaking, turning his head towards Pidge, he got over the fact she was hiding her face with the helmet and focused on trying to learn about her. Something wasn't right, her fighting moves, her instincts and knowledge over Umbrella .. she didn't get it all from just being a single hacker. 

Lance stayed out of the two pros talk, busy trying to stay awake and not freeze to death. He was soaked in the rain like everyone else and now the cold was kicking into his body. Nothing tried killing for them a while and they've been stuck walking for a bit now, the chilly wind and mist only making him feel even colder. Olia was a couple steps behind, mostly using the wall as she limped along with a pained express, she was getting worse but wouldn't accept it. 

"You should be thankful for that and maybe I should too but I'm rather stubborn and wouldn't accept it" Pidge sighed as she gripped the ends of her sleeves, pulling them over her hands while she kept her head forward. 

"What are you talking about? Didn't you train to become that good or something, apart of a secret cult or something that trains you to become the best fighter?" Matt replied confused, raising an unsure eyebrow as he looked straight ahead knowing she won't be looking at him while her head was looking ahead. 

"They did something to me. I barley feel human anymore" Pidge simply answered in a strained voice, coming to a stop and turning her head towards Matt who stopped with her, just staring where he guessed would be. He was trying to see the truth, trying to understand and by the look on his face he held questions over what she just admitted.

Before anyone else could speak, one of the phones started ringing making them all stand on edge. Glancing around for anybody else before turning back to the still ringing phone. 

"Let's go, the sound might attract some unwanted guests soon and we don't want to waste anymore time. Plus, half of us are tired and drain, unable to fight anymore" Pidge frowned, looking over the wall towards the city where lights were left on making the sight a little strange to see. 

All four of them started moving once more, quickening the pace as they all agreed with the feeling drained and tried part. Lance couldn't fight to start off with and Olia was in no shape to fight head on at all anymore. It left just Pidge and Matt but one of them were out of bullets and the other couldn't protect all three from a group of zombies at once.

The phone stopped ringing once they started getting away from it before another phone beside them started to ring making them keep moving. Than another would ring and another, each time they passed a new sections of phones along the path it would start to ring. Matt looking around, trying to understand what was setting all these phones off while also checking for any unwanted guests that might be heading their way. Olia and Lance both keeping tensed and looking at Pidge back, not sure what to do.

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