Chapter 30

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She couldn't help the warm smile that spread across her lips as he gave her sweet little kisses to her neck. Giggling as he tighten his arms around her waste, happily burying his face into the nook of her neck. 

She wasn't enjoying being crushed by his weight but she couldn't help but enjoy herself. In fact, she fact it rather cute that he laid on top of her, acting like a big baby as he snuggles up to her even if he was mostly crushing her with his body. 

She giggled against as he rubbed his nose lightly against her neck, giving her silly butterfly kisses that just tickled her completely. She kept her hands wrapped around his hips as best as she could before lightly nudging his head with her own. 


Her voice soft and warm towards him, the silly little grin never leaving her lips as she wanted to see the face of the man acting like a needy child. 

But horror filled her as he lifted his head back, no longer as the man she remembered him to be. His face was paler than the dead, flesh pealing off as dried blood stained around his mouth. Hungry growls leaving his lips before he rashly moved his head back to her neck, ripping her skip off and eating her like the zombie he was. 

Pidge eyes flashed open as she sat up so quick her head throbbed and everything became dizzy. Her breathing quick and uneven as her heart did it's on little heart attack from the fright of the dream. She unconsciously lifted a hand to her neck, finding it untouched but both zombies and kisses. 

Taking a shaky breath before running a hand through her hair and glancing to the driver seat to find it empty. She couldn't help but frown, wondering if the dream was a nightmare or just .. a warning. In truth, if she didn't end up seeing the one she cared for turn into a monster and eat her, she'd be rather happy to stay in the dream a little longer. 

Sighing in defeat before looking to the backseats and finding it empty as well proving she was the last one awake. Hopping out of the car and cursing as the sun beamed down on her, blinding her for a moment until her eyes adjusted again. 

She was clearly  the last one to wake in the whole convey. It sucked sometimes, being the last one to wake. She'd miss out on a lot while sleeping but she knew her body needed the rest. Her friends knew she needed to be left sleeping and so, she simply calmed herself down. 

"With how deeply you were sleeping, we feared if you'd wake as the dead instead" Lance commented with a playful smile as he watched her walk over to where he was happily squatted down by an burned out fire pit. 

"I feel like the undead" Pidge admitted with an groan, rolling her stiff shoulders as Lance chuckled.

"Don't we all. But lucky for me, I'll be sleeping in the ambulance soon" Lance grinned back, leaned back and placing his hands down behind him and leaning his weight against them. 

"I thought it was filled up? Pidge asked like an idiot, remembering how it was filled up with the rest and that's why Lance was dumped in Shiro car last night. 

"It was and still is but Shay and Matt were having a semi medic meeting. More so over Matt being trained the basics of medical care and Shay could use help since she was just a nurse. While Shay will be stuck with the ambulance again, she and Matt was discussing space" Lance mumbled back as he tilted his head back and looking up the clear blue sky above. 

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