Chapter 17

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Pidge sat on the edge of the bed, she was given the single bedroom of the small family house they were currently using as a hide out for now at least. Lance and Hunk sharing the medium bedroom, one of the bed and the other on the blow up bed on the floor. Shiro, Keith, Rover and Matt sharing the big bedroom. Two on the double bed and the other two on the floor either side of the bed, one having a make shift bed with blankets and a spare quilt while the other got a camping bed. 

They left the kitchen and living room as a shared space, an option for someone to sleep on the sofa was given but since everyone sleeping patterns were awkward they voted against sleeping on the sofa knowing someone else will wake them up. 

But that only made it better for Pidge who got her own room due to being the only women in the team and for also being a super weapon made by Umbrella. They won't sure what she could or couldn't do or if the infection will suddenly take over her body. It was safer for her to be left alone in a room while the rest slept. 

Just like now, she knew they were all fast asleep and she was left to her own mind. 

Something was wrong, this wasn't her body. 

She knew her body felt strange the first time she woke up after Umbrella experimented on her but this time it was worse, it was like she was watching through her eyes and nothing more. 

She kept swapping out, she knew she was. 

She's lost time, lost consciousness at night and yes, she knew she fell asleep but she feels the different from waking up after sleeping and suddenly be in control of her body again. 

She wasn't in full control, she was losing moments of her own life, blacking out. 

She knew what it felt like to black out, she remembered blimps of it during her time in the hands of umbrella. 

Something was wrong with her, something was inside of her just like Nemesis. 

They found a way to take over her body, they were activating her like she was nothing but a drone for their personal use. 

She was scared, she knew she was missing moments in her life even if it was during the night where most would be sleeping. 

How long until they started taking moments from her life during the day, what if they activated her like they did Nemesis and start watching her friends.

What if she lead Umbrella to them?

What if they took her over completely and made her kill them!

Pidge was freaking out, she wasn't sure how much Umbrella could see or hear while she wasn't activated by them and it scared her. 

Could she tell someone about this or should she just make a run for it while the other's sleep. 

Will she lose her memory all over again, become a mindless monster that did Umbrella dirty work without any hesitation. 

A knock on the door making her let a startled squeak escape her lips. Leaping from the bed and rushing towards the door, fearing the worse. Maybe umbrella had already tracked them, used her body while she was meant to be sleeping and already gave out the location and any details Umbrella might be after over the team. 

Quickly opening the door, startling Shiro every so slightly as he stepped back in slight fright before taking a deep breath out. 

"Are you all right? You've been tapping your foot for the past hour none stop" Shiro spoke first, concern in his eyes as kept his arms lose by his side.

"I was" Pidge muttered back surprise, glancing down to her feet that weren't tapping while she stood but she noticed her fingers nervously tapping against her thigh. 

"Oh, I was" Pidge admitted, her fingers no longer tapping on her thigh as she stopped herself.

"I don't really mind since I can't sleep and the rest of us all seem fast asleep. But, are you okay? Is something wrong?" Shiro replied with worry, not taking a step forward or back since he didn't want to intrude on her or just walk away. 

"Something is very wrong with me and I'm terrified of what they've turned me into. I'm not me, I'm watching from within my body and I can't stop them from taking over ... they're turning me into another form of Nemesis" Pidge answered in a weak and small voice, her eyes horrified as she admitted it all, hugging herself.

"Pidge, listen to me. I won't let you become a new Nemesis for them to just use. Like it or not, to me you'll be the women who stands right before me. You are no monster, you never will be" Shiro promised as he brought his human hand to her cheek, lacing his robotic hand to one of hers as he tried his best to comfort her, to promise that she won't become something she was fearing to be. 

"I can't stop them from taking over my body, Takashi. I'm no longer me" Pidge whispered in a broken voice, tears filling her eyes as she met with Shiro shocked gaze.

"Then we'll fix you up, we'll make you feel like YOU once more. We'll find a way, we'll find someone, anyone who can help us in stopping Umbrella control over you. We'll make everything okay again, we just have to search together without giving up hope. Can you do that with me, not give up hope?" Shiro rushed out his words, his thumb rubbing over her freckled cheek trying to sooth her even just a little.

"I have a feeling that you will hold enough hope for all of us but thank you, I really don't want to face this alone. The blank outs are becoming longer and longer over the past week and I'm scared they'll take over during the day. I don't want to lose anyone else, I can't lose anyone else" Pidge admitted as she closed her voice, her voice shaky as she leaned into Shiro palm.

"And you won't, we'll look for someone who can help you. I'm sure there's a doctor out there that knows Umbrella sinful ways and will be able to help free you from that. We'll find someone, I know we will" Shiro promised as pulled Pidge closer, moving his arms and wrapping them around her as she clung to him.

"I'll hold hope, I'll keep hope" Pidge promised, letting her senses focus on Shiro beating heart. 

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