Chapter 33

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"The food's virtually gone. We've got the supplies that I found with Pidge and the boys after they saved us .. but that'd last five days at most with our numbers. Maybe a ten days if some skip meals on certain days" Shay reported in with a tired look, already having Hunk and Rover help her count any canned goods left and well, it was mostly gone. Just a handful sat left, not enough to feed the whole covey for a single day let along for a whole trip. 

"And the truck's running on empty" Rolo sighed as he took his hat off, wiping his forehead with the back of his arm before placing his hat back on. His other hand stayed holding his girlfriend the whole time, never once letting it go from where they all sat piled in the back of the ambulance. 

"I've got half a tank of gas. That's it" Beezer sighed from where he sat on the other side of Nyma, resting his head against her arm like he was a child all over again, cuddled up to her. 

"Matt?" Keith asked as he glanced to his crush who sat leaning against him, leaving Keith sat on the edge of the ambulance like Rolo was opposite. Lance sitting on the other side of Matt with Shay sitting opposite to the opened doors. Leaving Pidge and Shiro leaning against the doors frame. 

"Shit, I don't even have empty" Matt admitted over the ambulance, he and Shay already agreeing that he'd most likely do all the driving between them and only swap if he needed rest. 

"I got enough fora hundred miles, tops" Shiro admitted over his car, giving a light shrug as he knew it wasn't much compared to how far they had to travel. 

"If we're gonna make this trip,we'll need to resupply" Beezer replied with a troubled look as none of them would get far without the needed supplies. 

"Yep. Pretty much" Lance agreed with a small nod while Matt pulled out a map, unfolding it and laying it down on the floor in the middle of them all. 

"These are our options. The nearest, safest betis right there" Nyma explained as the gas stations were already marked with red dots and she moved to point at the safest one close by. 

"No, it's empty. I tried that" Pidge quickly mentioned as it was the same gas station where she found the notebook. 

"Then, well, maybe..." Rolo started to say as he pointed to another one only for Shiro to shake his head as he tried that one before meeting with the convoy.

"We could try this..." Matt started to say hopeful as he pointed to a different one that was a little further away but should be safe for them to try as a group. 

"Vegas. It's the only place we're sure to findgas and supplies" Nyma spoke up over the rest, already knowing what they had to face if they wanted to gain the right amount of petrol for this trip. 

"There's a reason for that.Vegas is too dangerous" Lance reminded her with pure fear in his eyes as he looked to her. 

"It's crawling with themsons of bitches" Rolo added on with a worries expression, knowing they'd be an all you can eat buffet for the undead if they went.  

"We've drained every small town dryover the last six months. We have to hit a big city" Nyma replied with a serious look as she always knew a day would come like this and well, at least they'd be gaining the petrol in hopes to gain somewhere safe instead of just driving mindlessly to survive. 

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