Chapter 818

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Gabby's POV: After hanging up Matt's jacket in the closet, I made my way out to the kitchen and smiled when I stood next to him. I then moved to rub his back before kissing his shoulder. Matt then wrapped his arm around me and smiled while kissing my forehead. "You going to tell me why you used my jacket before putting it away?" I looked up at him. "Check your phone." Matt looked at me confused before reaching down to grab his phone on the counter.

Opening it, he saw I texted him a picture. He then went to open the picture and smiled. "Oh god, that's adorable." I smiled. "I saw a video on YouTube. Apparently, there was a baby boom in a firehouse in California. They all fought that big fire." Matt nodded and smiled. "I saw that video too and remember that. This is so cute. Thanks babe." Matt then turned to look at me and kissed me softly. "Listen, breakfast is ready. Why don't you make a plate and we can sit at the bar?"

I nodded and smiled before going to grab us some plates. Once I had them, I gave them to Matt. Matt made my plate first like he always did. Matt was a true gentleman, very chivalrous. It was attractive and really sweet of him. Once my plate was ready, he looked at me. "Just go sit down, I got my plate." I nodded and then went to sit down at the bar. Matt then quickly made his plate before walking around to join me at the bar. "We praying this morning?" 

I turned to look at him. "Of course, we need to pray for the first responders and healthcare providers." We both nodded and smiled. Grabbing my hand, he then intertwined our fingers as I led us in prayer. I also added a part in for Laura and Diego. They needed it because they were still battling COVID. I was glad that they were beating it. It gave me faith that they would get through it easily. Once we finished praying, I started eating again. "You know I appreciate that you started praying with me right Matt?"

Matt looked at me while he took a bite of his food. "No problem. Anyways, it was my idea in the first place." I nodded and agreed. "I always prayed every morning anyways. Just you doing it with me is much better. So, thanks." Matt smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "I want to have faith be a part of our life more. It's all we can hold onto in our careers and in this day and age. If there's something I can believe in that never goes away, I'm all for it."

I smiled when he said that and then rubbed his hand. I then took another bite of my food. "We are not going to be that family that goes to church though. Sorry, but that's too much." Matt nodded and agreed. "Agreed. If I have a day off on a Sunday, I am not waking up at 9 am to go to Church. I am sleeping in as long as I can." We both agreed and chuckled. "There's also Saturday night mass but, then Matteo would be tired and it's just too complicated."

Matt nodded and smiled before taking another bite of his sausages. He was done before me and smiled. "I am going to do my dishes and wait for you. Then I'll do them." I nodded and smiled. "I'm almost done anyways. So, just get started." He then nodded and filled the sink up with water before going to wash his place. I then turned to check on Matteo quickly before finishing my plate. I then looked at Matt. "Here, I'm done." Looking up at me, Matt grabbed it. I then saw him take a glimpse at Matteo too. "I think you can take him back to bed now."

I looked at him and smiled. "You're joining me when you're done right?" He nodded and agreed. "Of course, there's no place I would rather be. Now, I think there was a dateline last night that we missed. How about you check the PVR and if there is one, we can watch it." I agreed and smiled. "Sure thing. Don't be too long. I want to cuddle up to you while we watch the mystery." Matt smiled when I said that. "You always want to cuddle up to me." I nodded. "Very true." I then went to get up and walked over to Matteo.

"C'mon buddy, let's go relax in bed and wait for daddy to join us with our water bottles." Matt looked at me and then got the note. "I think they're actually still on our bedside tables. Mind going to grab them if you want me to fill them for us?" I nodded and agreed. "I'm taking him in there with me. I already took out the beside crib and we can keep him in there." Matt nodded and agreed as I walked away to our bedroom. Quickly walking in, I smiled when I made my way to the side of the bed before setting Matteo down in the crib. I then rubbed his head and smiled. "Be right back bud. Just need to get some water."

Once he was laying down in the crib, I grabbed our water bottles and then carried them out to the kitchen where I saw Matt cleaning the counters. "Guess you are cleaning up more after I gave you that note?" Matt looked up at me and nodded smiling. He then grabbed the water bottles from me and noticed that I was just wearing my bathrobe. "We getting dressed at all today?" I smiled and shook my head. "We do need to take a shower later though while Matteo is taking a nap." Matt then smirked. "Care for some company?" I nodded and smiled. "I did say we didn't I?" Putting my hand on his cheek, I smirked and then kissed him softly. "Don't be long. I want to cuddle in bed."

Matt then nodded and smiled, giving me one last kiss before letting me go. I then smiled while walking away to the bedroom, ready for a nice relaxing day with my guys in bed.

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