Chapter 888

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Gabby's POV: When Sylvie asked me if it's obvious that she finds it awkward when she's speaking to both me and Matt at the same time, I chuckled a bit.

"Yes, yes it is!" She sighed when I said that though. "Sylvie, it's fine. Our situation is weird. I mean, you're pregnant with my brother's twins and you're dating him. While at the same time, your ex-boyfriend just so happens to be my husband. However, there's no jealousy Sylvie! I mean, I had him first and we've always wanted to be together. Sorry, but that's the truth." 

Sylvie agreed and sighed. "I guess I'm still getting used to this new relationship we have. We are now real family compared to just firehouse family." I nodded and agreed, understanding what she meant. "Believe me, it's always going to be hard to integrate into our family. The Dawsons are a close gang. The only reason Matt came in so easily was because he didn't rally have a family when we got together." Sylvie sighed and understood, knowing about that.

"It's probably quite odd that I know about his history with his family just as about good as you do don't you?" I agreed with that before smiling. "Well, it's helpful at times. Gives me someone I can talk to about stuff that's bothering Matt that will already understand some of the backstory without me having to explain it all to them." Sylvie chuckled and smiled. "Very true, hadn't thought about that." I smiled when she said that. 

"So listen, about other stuff. How are the twins?" Sylvie smiled. "They're quite calm right now. I can't feel them kick and never know if that's a good thing or bad thing." I smiled. "Probably means they are sleeping. And be glad they are sleeping at the same time. That means that they will both stay calm for a while so that you can get a rest. I've heard of women pregnant with twins having them rotate who sleeps. That means the kicking never stops."

Sylvie chuckled. "Luckily, that's not my case. I actually only have one of them kicking at a time and sometimes, I even get a break in between." I laughed at that and thought that she was lucky. When I was pregnant with Matteo, he couldn't stop kicking. It was like he didn't sleep at all in there. However, maybe one of two hours each night he did stop. That's when I fell asleep and then I stayed asleep for the rest of the night.

"That's how Matteo was. He kicked periodically, fell asleep and then started again a little while later. I am just glad that I got some sleep. Was much harder to calm him down considering I didn't have someone to hold me. Maybe get Antonio to put his hand where the babies are kicking at night? That way they can calm down because maybe they'll feel like their dad is there. I am not sure but, that might work?" Sylvie chuckled. "I'll try that."

I smiled when she said that before laying back in bed more. "So, on another much is Antonio working right now?" Sylvie sighed. "He's working as much as possible. He's trying to do extra hours to get more vacation time banked. That way he can take more time off other than his paternity leave. However, I don't like how late he stays up." I sighed but understood what my brother was doing. Matt probably would've done the same thing.

"Honestly Sylvie, just let him. I remember how hard it was with a newborn. Matt was a huge help and it let me sleep a lot more than I probably would have had I done it alone. You are going to have twins which means that things are going to take twice as long to do." She agreed and sighed. "I am just glad you're in my corner. Not all my friends are all supportive of this and some don't even think I can do it."

I sighed when she said that. "Then they underestimate you girl! Prove them wrong." Sylvie chuckled and then yawned. "Oh sorry, must be getting a bit tired." I agreed. "Listen, if you need to take a nap...go ahead. I understand." She chuckled and agreed. "Thanks Gabby. Listen, maybe we can talk another time." I agreed and smiled. "Of course. Have a good rest Sylvie." Sylvie then hung up and I smiled. 

Getting up from the bed, I decided to go see what was happening in the kitchen since lunch was probably going to be ready soon.

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