Chapter 863

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Meanwhile, with Jay & Erin
Jay's POV: As I get out of bed after getting quite close to Erin under the sheets, I smirk at her because she was amazing. "I swear, it's like you are addicted to sex." Looking at her as I grab my jogging pants and put them on, I see that she is not happy I said that. "Sure, because you are not just as excited when I play with your pants and give you attention like that." I nodded and couldn't disagree. Erin was my guilty pleasure. And as much as I wanted to be with her for a minute, I promised Kim that I would send her one of my case files.

Her and Adam were going to take over me and Erin's case load temporarily until we were back from leave after thanksgiving. I was glad to be getting that long because I knew that we would be recovered from Erin's sudden loss by then. It was also because Hank knew it was going to be hard since it was Erin's first thanksgiving without her mom. "Still not happy that you have to get out of bed. What do you need to do anyways? Thought we were off work."

I nodded and smiled. "We are. However, I need to send over the digital files to Adam and Kim. They are going to take our current cases off our hands and work on them until we get back." Erin nodded and agreed. "Makes sense, however I heard that she and Adam are already trying for kids even though they are just engaged." I smiled. "I just hope they aren't doing it to try and replace the kid he lost with his ex-fiancé." Erin agreed and smiled. "I hope so too." I smiled when she said that before going to grab her hand.

"Listen, how about you call Hank while I'm gone? I know he's going to want to talk to you about what happened. I know we said we needed space but...I would rather you talk to him than just sit here alone and think about it alone." Erin sighed and nodded. "I understand and that's a great idea. He was the one that called earlier. So, might as well call him back." I smiled before looking at her. "If you need me, I promise...I will come right back. You're my priority right now. Well, you and Nadia." 

Erin then smiled as I got up before looking at her. "Don't let him get you too emotional okay? I just cheered you up." Erin nodded and chuckled. "Why? You don't want to cheer me up more when you get back from working?" I smirked when she said that and then walked over to her. Leaning over to kiss her, I smirked. "Don't tempt me." I then gave her one last kiss before walking away to go send Adam and Kim the files they needed to keep working on my cases.

Erin's POV: Once Jay left the room, I went to grab my phone so that I could text Kim. Wanted to thank her for taking over our cases for a while. We needed it. 'Hey, thanks for taking over our cases for a bit.' I kept my phone in my hands because I knew it wouldn't take long for her to reply since it was her day off. However, I didn't expect her to call. Answering it right away, I smiled. "Hey Erin, how are you doing?" I sighed. "Better, not like we were close that much."

She agreed. "Still, she was your mom. And we both know that this was not the way you wanted her to leave this world. I mean, sure...this was unexpected but, you would never want your mom to die of COVID." I shook my head because it's true. "That's spot on. Now, I just wanted to let you know that I want you to take really good notes for me. I normally don't like to give my cases away but, I am under orders to do, I need it. However, I may take them back soon."

Kim understood and sighed. "Erin, take whatever time you need. I get Hank is strict but, do it on your own pace. If you need more time...take it. Plus, we all know that you're Hank's favorite. He will literally bend over backwards to get you more time off from the CPD if you need it." I chuckled and agreed. "Well, he is my father." Kim chuckled and smiled. "Just to let you know, I want to give you a warning that you are going to be my go to girl when I get pregnant."

I smiled when she said that. "How months have you guys been trying for now?" Kim sighed. "We haven't started yet. Adam wants to wait until we are married. That way, he can have more say. Apparently last time around, just being the fiancé didn't get him much access." I understood what she meant by that. "Makes sense though when you think about it. I mean, heaven forbid something happened to you...he should be able to make decisions on your behalf. It's one of the reasons me and Jay got married."

Kim however was not buying that. "Oh BS Erin! You married him because you love him and you wanted to snatch him up. Honestly, he's pretty easy on the eyes." That's when I heard Adam in the background. "What you saying about Jay?" I then laughed and heard Kim talk to him. "Shut up, he's married and you're the only guy I want to marry and have kids with. I would like to start now are not taking the risk." I heard Adam sigh. "If you really want to try, you need to at least give me a courthouse wedding. We'll do the whole shabang after this pandemic's over."

I chuckled when he said that. "Kim, just do it. You never know whether you will catch it or not. If you get it and die from it...would you want to die as an engaged woman or married woman?" Adam liked the sound of that. "That makes a lot of sense Kim." I chuckled and smiled. "Listen, if you guys do it...make sure that you find a place that does virtual weddings? That way you can invite the team." Kim chuckled. "Yes. I already promised Trudy that she will be at my wedding."

Adam didn't like. "Oh hell no. I am not inviting Debby Downer Platt to my wedding." Kim then spoke up. "Fine, then you have to tell her that she's not invited." Adam obviously was scared to do that. "Fine, she can come. But only to the wedding ceremony. She is not coming to the party." Kim sighed and agreed. "That's a good compromise. Now listen, I need to talk to Erin about some cases. How about you go call Jay and get some information on courthouse weddings if you want to do one?" Adam agreed to do that as he went to call Jay.

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