Drista & Lani

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I added the music for people that like having background music. If you don't like music while you're reading, that's okay!

Drista watched the sun start to make it's descend. The sky turned a mix of pink, purple, and blue. She knew there was only a little daylight left before the night took over.

"I'm going to get Lani now." She told her parents before leaving the house. Her and Lani had plans for a sleepover tonight. Drista was supposed to go get her at sunset. By then Lani would have her chores done. Lani's parents were very strict on getting work done.

Drista's parents tried to encourage her to participate in the chores, but she never did them. At the most she would half do them, and let someone else finish.

Drista made it to the house and knocked a few times.

Lani's brother Tubbo opened the door, expecting her. Lani hadn't stopped talking about this sleepover all day.

"You here to get Lani?"

"Yeah, is she ready?"

"Uh...hold on" Tubbo shut the door and went to the bathroom to find his sister, she was mopping the floor. She was really procrastinating tonight.

"Drista is here for you." He alerted her.

Lani groaned "stupid chores, I'm not done yet."

"Not done? You've been cleaning all day."

"I know, but I had to clean the windows outside and that takes a lot of time..." She frowned, exhausted from the day's work.

Tubbo took the mop from her. "What's left? I'll just finish up for you."

"Just mopping the bathroom, and then I was supposed to go bring firewood inside." She was happy to have someone take over.

"That's nothing, I'll be done in no time. Go on with Drista now before it gets too dark." He started to mop the floor, but then felt a set of arms around him. Tubbo turned around to hug his sister.

"Thank you, you're the best!"

"I know, I'm the bloody best." Tubbo laughed and tried to move away from the hug. "Go before Teagan gets mad at me for finishing your chores, and not hers."

Lani nodded and grabbed her bag, before heading out the door.

"Hey, sorry about the wait." Lani apologized to her legendary friend.

"Don't worry about it, I thought you died or something." Drista spoke sarcastically, and started walking back to her place with her average friend.

"Good thing I'll never die." Lani stated confidently, as if she were some immortal being.

"Never? I'm pretty sure we all die Lani."

"Not me!" Lani huffed, she didn't like thinking about death. Like every happy soul, she didn't want to die.

"Whatever you say, Lanu." Drista said her name wrong on purpose. One time Lani genuinely called herself Lanu by accident, and the nickname stuck. Usually Drista would use it in a mocking or playful way.

"When are you going to forget that?" Lani rolled her eyes while gently kicking tiny rocks as she walked.

"When you die, never." Drista grinned.

Lani pouted and continued to walk to Drista's house. On their walk, they saw the local baker outside her shop, wiping down the windows.

Drista stopped walking and approached her.

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