Blood & Tears

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Puffy took Drista all the way back to Snow Chester. As they got closer to the inn, Drista knew what was going to happen.

"I think I know who you're talking about now."

"Yeah? Have you met Skeppy?" Puffy asked.

"Yeah, that guy with the creepy eyes? He tried to attack me."

"Oh no..." Puffy frowned, but then smiled. "I've had my theories about him since I met him. If he's not a guardian, I'll be shocked. His eyes, his teeth, his willingness to eat questionable meat... I've been wanting to find out for sure, but never had a reason to interrogate him."

"So... we'll collect his blood instead? Will he even agree to that?"

Puffy shrugged as they arrived to the inn. Puffy went in first, hoping the two owners were in a good mood.

Bad was standing at the desk, reading a book to pass time. Skeppy was pacing around the desk, but stopped once Puffy and Drista arrived.

"Hey boys, long time no see..." Puffy smiled, familiar with Skeppy's temper. It only gave her more evidence that he was a guardian.

Skeppy stayed between them and Bad, giving Drista a nasty look.

Bad sighed "hey Puffy! I see you've met Drista... Skeppy move out of the way."




" you ladies need anything? Skeppy is going through a weird mood swing."

"Yeah actually...I need to speak to Skeppy, alone." Puffy knew she'd be able to talk the suspicious man into helping.

"Oh, okay. Skeppy go ahead and talk to her. I'll be fine."

Skeppy hesitated but went to another part of the inn with Puffy. He was curious. He would stay alert though, and make sure he didn't hear Bad being hurt.

Drista and Bad stood awkwardly at the front desk. Drista tried to make it less awkward.

"So...why is he so fucking mean?"

"Language, he's just a bit moody."

"Moody? I have lots of words for him but moody isn't one. He's so much more than moody." Drista wondered if Bad could confirm Skeppy's species.

"Well he's mood-"

"Is he an ice guardian? I don't know much about them, but I feel like he is one."

Bad tensed up and looked to the floor, avoiding eye contact. "An ice guardian? What even is that?"

Drista rolled her eyes. "Look, let's just be honest with each other. My best friend is at home, dying. I came here for ice dragon blood. If you're little buddy can help me, let me know. It would be selfish not to."

"I...I don't think I can confirm or deny that. That's up to Skeppy if he wants to tell you or not." Bad didn't want to expose Skeppy, even if the truth was obvious.

"Well I-" Drista didn't need to finish her sentence, because Puffy and Skeppy came back. "Good news Drista, he'll help you."

Drista sighed in relief. "Really? That's great, I need to be on my way home by tomorrow morning. As soon as the sun starts to rise."

Bad looked at Skeppy, wondering how Puffy got him to agree so fast. "Are you sure about that? You could get really sick if you're not careful."

Skeppy was very sure about this risk. "Yes Bad, I know. Let's just get this over with."

Dristers (DreamSMP AU) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now