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"I'm here now"

"Mommy told me you were on this adventure ! Das why chu couldn't see me" Byeol babbles with a tiny lisp

Taehyung shoots Hyeonso a look before nodding to the little girl "yup ! Was fighting aliens in another dimension"

"I thought chu was in da sea with da fish king" Byeol asks rather confusedly tilting her head

"R-right ! But I had another mission"

Byeol makes a o shape with her mouth before going silent .

"So chu finally coming home ?" Byeol asks

"U-uh about that-

"Daddy has to take care of some things before he can come back home with us"Hyeonso quickly finishes for Taehyung

"Oh , ok ! Can I go play now" Byeol says to the two

"Of course baby" Hyeonso smiles

Taehyung let's her go and they both see her run to the play ground . His smile then falters and his expression changes

"I want a paternity test" Taehyung says sternly

"Go for it , it's just gonna say she's yours" Hyeonso  cockily says

"I don't care , whatever you try to do Hyeonso but you will not separate me from Yoongi and namjoon . Whatever your demented ass does we are going to come back twice as hard ." Taehyung warns

"You may think your stupid little fantasy of all three of you is going to last , it's not . Yoongi and Namjoon are made for eachother and you're the odd one out . You bailed on your first child and Namjoon stepped up to be the better father , and still is , even if you came back" Hyeonso laughs looking at her manicured nails "Byeol needs her dad . And it'd be shitty for you not to give her that and only be there for your two sons , by the way have you told the family you have a daughter" She smirks

Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief , how can a person be this evil ? She was never like this , never would've hurt a fly six years ago . Now she looks like she spits poison .

"Don't worry about my family ."

"Well , once it all goes to shit you're just going to be running back to me , but I'm serious Tae , Once that paternity test comes back you're GOING to have to choose ." Hyeonso threatens

Taehyung stares at her and purses his lips , he scoffs and rolls his eyes . Changing his direction to Byeol



When Taehyung left , Byeol got sad and had to be reassured her "daddy" wasn't leaving to go on another mission . Once she was calmed Taehyung bought her a ice cream and Hyeonso left to her car .

Taehyung gets into his car and quickly drives to Jeongguk and Seokjin's home

He knocks pretty hard on the door when a shirtless Jeongguk opens it with Jeonghan behind him

"UNCLE TAE !" Jeonghan screams pushing past Jeongguk

"You brat ! You were just clinging on to me ten seconds ago" Jeongguk say offendedly

"Yeah but Taetae is here so go away" Jeonghan shoos off his dad

"Hey bud nice seeing you" Taehyung smiles ruffling the chestnut boys hair

"What's up Tae what's going on ?" Jeongguk asks

"We need to talk . It's pretty serious"

They head into the shared room so Seokjin can listen to the conversation because he still very much can't walk and is now in his final month of his pregnancy

"You made me sit up Kim Taehyung this better be worth it" Seokjin groans caressing his huge belly

"Uhm I don't really know how to say this but- uhm I have a daughter" he confesses

"What ?" Seokjin is the first to say with his eyebrows furrowed

"Y-you're cheating on Tae and Joon" Jeongguk then adds

"No ! No ! Never that it's just- remember when Hyeonso was pregnant ?" He asks and Jeongguk nods "well the day she had her 'miscarriage' she told the doctors to lie to me saying she did . But she was fine and I have a daughter now and her name is Byeol"

"I can't believe this , this can't be happening" Seokjin just mumbles out

"Does Joon and Yoongi know ?" Jeongguk shrieks out

"Of course they fucking don't ! He looks like he's going to piss himself" Seokjin yells

And then there was a knock

They all freeze in place and they all turn to Jeongguk

"Expecting someone ?" Taehyung asks

Jeongguk ignores him and heads to the door .

And that's when he hears Yoongi's voice

Taehyung turns to Seokjin with a shocked expression and Seokjin just looks at him shaking his head .

"Nows not the time to tell him . You need to tell him when you guys are with Namjoon ." Seokjin warns him .

Yoongi is first to enter the room . Seeing that Yoongi's is here he looks rather surprised and scared . And Jeongguk is following behind him .

"What are you doing here ? I thought you were working late ?" Yoongi asks

"I uh- I just wanted to see how our niece was doing" Taehyung lies rubbing Seokjin's belly and earns a smack on the hand .

"What are you doing here ?" Taehyung asks

"Well you see- I was just going to drop off some baby clothes for Seokjin" Yoongi stutters

"So where is it" Taehyung asks seeing his hands aren't carrying anything

"I put them in the nursery" Yoongi says

Taehyung nods and it goes silent . He looks at Jeongguk who is chewing his nails and looking anywhere but Taehyung .

Something is going on .

But he also has something going on so he will drop it , for now

"So I'll see you home then ?" Taehyung asks Yoongi

Yoongi smiles and nods , Taehyung kisses him quickly and exits waving as he leaves .

Yoongi sighs out and sits on the bed . Groaning loudly

"Tell him Jeongguk" Yoongi says

"He's pregnant and he doesn't know whose it is"

"Oh for the love of god ! What is it with you and your family !" Seokjin yells out "I'm going to bed leave me alone" he sasses out and lays down covering himself with the sheets

Yoongi looks at Jeongguk who still has that same worried and shocked expression he had when he first saw Yoongi . And wonders what Taehyung was really doing here .


This was so late I was supposed to finish this like two weeks ago . But hey I'm back :P finally recovered from my accident so , hoel everyone liked it .

I want to say something Yoongi's pregnancy . I don't think I'm going to officially say who is the father because I kind of want this child to just be not sort of biased . Obviously Taehyung has his two boys and his "daughter" and then Joon has the twins . But if I do I'll make a vote so you guys can pick whose this baby dad is 😭😭

Question . What y'all think is going to happen once Yoongi and Namjoon find out ? And what will Taehyung and Joon will react to this pregnancy ? Will it bring them closer or drift them apart given the circumstances?

I hope everyone is having a good day or night and please take care of yourselves ! Thank you guys for all the support and the patience ☺️ I know I haven't been the best at updating but hopefully I get better <3 I love you all so much and I will see you in the next chapter byeee ❤️

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