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"Daddy wake up I wan oatmeal !" A little boy whispers

Yoongi groans stirring in his sleep waking up to a chubby little three year old holding his empty little hello kitty plate , he smiles and ruffles his sons hair carrying him to the kitchen and putting him in his high chair .

Yeonjun is a very smart toddler but quite small for his age . Yeah , when he was born he was huge but it was when he was around a year old he noticed Yeonjun was going to be a little behind on growth . He prepares breakfast for him son and for he and Namjoon (yes they moved in together it was only appropriate) and starts cleaning around the house a bit while his son eats his oatmeal .

"Yeo don't make a mess Kay ?" Yoongi echoes from the bathroom .

"You spoke to soon dad !" The little boy yells out

Namjoon walks into the kitchen kissing Yeojuns head and serving himself coffee .

"Goo'mornin daddo how are you on dis fine mornin ?"Yeonjun asks

"Since when did you start using big boy words ?" Namjoon chuckles

"He practically came out like that" Yoongi snorts

"Hey bud how bout when you finish breakfast you help daddy around the house ok ? And I'll buy you more carrot sticks when I get home from work today" Namjoon smiles

Yeonjun flashes his gummy-boxy smile (he really was gifted with both of his fathers smiles) and nods firmly eating his oatmeal a little more faster .

Namjoon smiles and heads to the room tidying up the bed and putting dirty clothes in the basket bin . He starts getting ready for work and hears Yoongi walk in .

"Hey Yoons when is your shift today ?" Namjoon asks

"Um I start my rounds at eight thirty and don't come back till like five in the morning" Yoongi replies

"Alright I'll be home by six then" Namjoon says getting his boots

"Yeo has a dentist appointment tomorrow and chief said I can't be late no more so will you take him ?" Yoongi asks

"Shit can't Jin take him ?" Namjoon says scratching the back of his head

"I can ask him but you already know him he won't get up till the afternoon" Yoongi rolls his eyes

"We can ask Jeongguk ?" Namjoon shrugs putting on his uniform

"Yeojun seems to like him more than both of us so I guess it won't hurt to ask him" Yoongi chuckles

"Ok well I'm going to work I'll see you later yeah ?" Namjoon says kissing Yoongis forehead

A few weeks after Yeonjun was born Jin introduced everyone to Jeongguk , Yoongi seemed to like Jeongguk and was really funny (he liked to pick on Jimin a lot) Both Namjoon and Yoongi seemed to trust him with their son so he knows he wouldn't mind

Yoongi smiles nodding and wishing Namjoon a good day . He tidied up the apartment more , checking up on Yeojun who is watching cartoons on the tv , he takes his phone out of his pocket quickly sending a text to Jeongguk

Yoongi: Jeon can I ask you a favor


Yoongi: Jeongguk I swear- No I wanted to ask you if you can take Yeonjun to the dentist tomorrow me and namjoon are really busy .

Jeongguk: Sure I'll see if Jin tags along to

Yoongi: please don't kill him tomorrow or I will seriously throw you out a fifteen story building

Jeongguk: gotcha :D

Yoongi: hehe thank you

Jeongguk: no problem :)

"Hey Jin I'm taking Yeo to the dentist tomorrow you coming ?" Jeongguk asks

"Sure ! I haven't seen the little bug in a while" Jin smiles

"You haven't talk to Tae right ?" Jin adds with a raised eyebrow

"Not in a few months . Don't worry I'm not secretly letting Yeonjun see his unknown other dad , Tae made it clear to everyone he didn't want nothing to do with Yoongi or Yeonjun" Jeongguk says

"Still I want to punch him in the face , how could someone reject such a beautiful creation both of them made ?" Jin frowns

Jeongguk frowns as well not knowing how to answer that he just looks at Jin with a sad smile continuing the movie they were watching

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now