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did I tell y'all there will be a shit ton of time skips ?

Yoongi and Namjoon tell their friends and
Taehyung deals with more suffering



"You're fat ! " Jeongguk squeals hugging Yoongi

"Uh thanks Jeon comes with having twins" Yoongi says awkwardly

Jeongguk freezes in midst hug eyes widening pulling apart from Yoongi

"Wait pause . Did you just say , twins ?" Jeongguk gasps

"Yes Jeon . That's why I wanted everyone here . So everyone I'm having twin girls !" Yoongi announces out

Hoseok stops eating Yeonjun carrot sticks , Jimins mouth hangs open and Seokjin almost passes out

"Chu guys didn't know ?Daddies having two girls in his tummy !" Yeonjun says happily

"Two of Namjoon's sperms are inside of you ? You're carrying the next world leaders" Seokjin says wiping a fake tear clutching his chest .

"Why thank you Jinnie it's been a while since you've complimented me" Namjoon laughs

"Hey ! I complimented the children not you" Seokjin says rolling his eyes

"You better not name the girls something stupid like namjoona or Yoona" Hoseok snorts

"But the author thinks Yoona isn't even that ugly" Yoongi shrugs making Hoseok and Seokjin confused



Three months later

Being seven months pregnant is worse than Yoongi remembered

When he was pregnant with Yeonjun he would always get hit with the worst nausea ever . And ever since the twins have been kicking a few months ago Yoongi just wanted to get it over with . But Namjoon and Yeonjun have been cheering him up so that was a plus .

"Daddy chur tummy is getting bigger ery day !"Yeonjun says astonished

"Yeah baby . Your sisters have to grow so in order to my tummy gets bigger for them to grow big" Yoongi replies ruffling his sons hair .

"But daddy I wanted to ask chu something" Yeonjun says sternly

"What is it bud" Yoongi asks

"Daddy hasn't visited me in a while . Does daddy not like me no more ?"Yeonjun asks rather sad

Yoongis feels his heart shatter . He hasn't heard of Taehyung in a few months and whenever he calls or texts him it doesn't go through and the last message was quite alarming

"Well baby . Daddy told me he was going away for a bit but he'll come back so don't worry ok ?" Yoongi lies trying his best to get Yeonjun to be happy .

"If chu say so daddy" Yeonjun smiles lightly cuddling up against Yoongi


"Well after two months you finally gave me what I wanted" Hyeonso smirks

"Can I see my son I haven't seen him in a while" Taehyung asks

"Sure but you make sure that whore Yoongi knows you knocked me up . And don't give the kid so much attention you'll have mine soon and I don't want competition" Hyeonso rolls her eyes

"Sure Hyeonso ." Taehyung mutters

"And my appointment is next week to find out how I'm doing and you're tagging along" Hyeonso smiles rubbing her flat stomach

"Ok see you later" Taehyung says before walking out the door

"Wait give me a kiss dumbass I'm you're girlfriend still" she retorts

He sighs and pecks her lips . Exiting their apartment he breaks down crying . Feeling disgusted in him self . For the past two months he and Hyeonso would have sex every chance they get . When she would come out work they would go straight to the bedroom . Taehyung would beg his boss to give him over time . And would tell Hyeonso they busied him up

And know she's finally knocked up with his second child . He knew he couldn't bring himself to be happy with Hyeonso after all she did to him . He would love his kid but not in a way he would like to . And deep down in his heart he wanted to make a family with Yeonjun and Yoongi .

But some things aren't meant to be .


Am I moving too fast ? Should I stop with the time skips ?

Also in two chapters Namgi will have a closer bond and Taehyung confesses . I think I don't know but I hope everyone is having a good day and next chapter is gonna be pretty sad . So watch out for that Ily all bye :)

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