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One month time skip /

Yoongi has been pacing around his apartment for hours now . he is super excited to find out what his baby is . He's hoping for a boy but if it's a girl obviously he'll love her or him either way . He's just excited to finally waste a crap ton of money of boy or girl . And obviously gender neutral ones too .

He texted Namjoon twenty minutes ago asking him if he's ready and he texted him he's ten minutes ago . So now he just got changed in something more loose and comfortable since his now pretty big noticeable bump is making it harder to wear regular skinny jeans and t shirts .

He gets his jacket also since it's officially winter in Korea . Adding a beanie and a scarf . Trying his best not to catch a cold .

He scurried to his car . Turning on his car and blasting the heater on . He's planning to buy some more stuff for his angel after coming from the clinic . After the car gets warmed up he drives off to Namjoon's apartment .

"You excited Yoongi ?" Namjoon chuckles

"Of course ! I'm finally going to find out what this little angel is going to be !" Yoongi beams

"Well let's not waste any more time and hurry to the clinic ." Namjoon smiles

Yoongi nods smiling widely driving off again to the clinic .

After the same routine of checking in and waiting . The doctor calls them in and does the usual .

"Excited boys ?" The doctor grins

"More than excited Doc I'm ready though" Yoongi squeals

The doctor nods applying the jelly do his stomach . Grabbing the wand and rubbing it around his middle stomach region they all hear a big heartbeat . The doctor studies the fetus moving around to get a good look at the baby

"So right here is the head . Then a little more down is the little , well not little the big stomach and down here is your little babies private parts which if I zoom in it is" the doctor trails

" Please tell us we're dying of anticipation" Yoongi pleads

"Ok . It looks like you're going to have a precious baby boy !" The doctor says

Yoongi's heart swells up . He starts tearing up . It's a boy , he's going to have a little baby boy . He looks at Namjoon who had teared up also . Yoongi leans his head on namjoons chest whispering "it's a boy"

"It all seems like everything is going well with him and as always I'll see you next in four weeks time for your next checkup" The doctor smiles

They also got two set of pictures with a little text saying "it's a boy !" Yoongi is mesmerized. He's going to have a little boy . His son

Only if Taehyung were here to live the excitement .


"Wait tell me again ? You got Yoongi from my school pregnant ?" Jeongguk says in shock

"Yes I got him pregnant and he's keeping it . Which makes it hard for me cause I know if I want to see my kid later I'll haft to explain everything to Hyeonso and I can't just mess it up" Taehyung groans

"I really don't know what to tell you man . I think Jin is friends with him and I can tell you what's going on ?"

"I don't know Jeongguk" Taehyung sighs

Jeongguk pulls out his phone and sees Jimin has posted a photo with a group of people and Yoongi , all smiling . The caption saying

Yoongi is making me Joon Hoseok and Seokjin an uncle ! Can't wait to meet you little guy

"Holy shit Tae it's a boy" Jeongguk gasps

Taehyung feels his heart skip a beat . he feels a little bit of happiness but doesn't show it . He just nods .

"Just comment Congrats" Taehyung shrugs

"Just imagine a little Taehyung running around and you aren't even going to experience that shit . Not hating man but I would do anything for my kid ." Jeongguk says with a small smile on his face .

Taehyung feels a sudden pang if guilt . He frowns but stands up telling Jeongguk he's off to see Hyeonso

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now