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Warning this will contain some mentions of r*pe and ab*se .

Incoming call from "Taehyung"

"What's up Tae" Yoongi says midst eating a strawberry covered in sour cream

"I've been meaning to ask you something , and I hope you can understand" Taehyung timidly says

"Ok shoot"

"Well You know I have a girlfriend and I was wondering if Yeoj-" says before getting cutoff by Yoongi

"No" is all Yoongi says

"W-what ? Why not it won't be something often it's just to get her used to me having a son" Taehyung explains

"Does she know you have a son ?" Yoongi deadpans

"Well- no but I'm getting to it" Taehyung trails

"Talk to me when you have told your girlfriend you have a three and a half year old son" Yoongi says hanging up on the other .

Taehyung throws his phone on the couch and groans . He crosses his arms and thinks about how the hell he is gonna tell Hyeonso . But he'll just suck it up and tell her when she comes home .


"Joonie bring me more strawberries" Yoongi whines

"Yoonie that's your fourth case today ! You're gonna throw it up later anyways" Namjoon protests

"Fine but you better by me ice cream tomorrow" Yoongi pouts crossing his arms in defeat

"How are my baby girls ? Have they started kicking yet" Namjoon asks feeling Yoongi's belly

"Not yet Joonie but I'm sure they will soon" Yoongi giggles

"When are we gonna tell Jeon and the rest of them we are having girls ?" Namjoon asks some more

"Well we can tell them this weekend we'll invite them over and it'll be fun" Yoongi proposes

"Sure that'd be cool since you never want to do anything now" Namjoon teases poking Yoongi

"Shut up I'm four months pregnant with twins . Imagine in five months when I'm at nine months and I look ginormous !" Yoongi sasses

"You'll look pretty either way" Namjoon smiles kissing his stomach .

"Thanks Joonie"


It's been a few hours after Yoongi and Taehyung had their conversation and Taehyung has been on his feet waiting for his girlfriend to arrive . And right now Hyeonso finally came home and Taehyung had sat her down .

"Babe . I've been meaning to tell you this for quite some time . And I get if you are mad but I need to tell you now" Taehyung breathes out

"I'm sure you'll have a good excuse for it just tell me it'll be ok" Hyeonso smiles holding his hand

"Ok , a few years ago when we were having a rocky path in our relationship I cheated on you and it resulted in him being pregnant , and I didn't want to be in the kids life but until a few months ago I saw him and I just wanted to be in his life again . And I've been seeing him and I wanted you to meet him , if that was ok with you" Taehyung explains

Hyeonso's eyes go wide and she moves his hand away from him . Feeling speechless , until she snapped

"Not only did you cheat on me with a fucking boy but you impregnated the dude ? That's fucking disgusting ," she spits making Taehyung flinch

"And no it's not ok I don't want to meet the kid . But what you will do it you will no longer see him and you'll get me pregnant . And I don't care how long it takes cause I will have your fucking kid Tae , and if not I will go to the police and tell them you abuse me and rape me . And we'll see if you see your fucking son ever again filed as a rapist" Hyeonso hisses

"I have never done anything to you ? How will you prove it" Taehyung mumbles

"Who will they believe . Me or you ? I'm a woman of course they will believe me I'll just hurt myself and say it was you ! . Now give me a kid Taehyung or you will never see your fucking kid ever again" Hyeonso demands .

Taehyung starts crying and he doesn't realize he's shaking what did he do wrong ? He just wanted to be happy with his son and girlfriend , he didn't know she would be so psychotic about it . He hasn't have a choice either way but to give her a kid

"And stop crying you look like a girl . Meet me in the bed five minutes . And if you even try to pull out Taehyung I will go straight to the police station and say you just raped me" Hyeonso spits

Taehyung flinches again and nods . He wipes his tears away and waits for Hyeonso to leave the area . He quickly gets his phone and texts Yoongi quickly

Taehyung : Yoongi im so sorry . Just remember I'm doing this for you guys ...

Yoongi : ?


God I feel horrible . But turns out Hyeonso is a bitch and ugh don't worry she won't be important later on (or is sheeeee ?) . But I hope you liked this chapter ? No one did it's sad and it made me mad . But make sure to vote and comment cause those are nice :) and I hope everyone is having a good day or night ! Bye

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now