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Five month time skip to the birth since nothing really happens

"Push Yoongi push !" Namjoon yells

"Don't you think that's what I'm fucking doing ?" Yoongi hisses

Yoongi had another two weeks left before his son would arrive But the baby decided fuck the two weeks and wanted to see the world a little earlier . Just when Yoongi was going to eat his well deserved sour patch until his water broke .

"God fucking dammit why doesn't he come out already ?" Yoongi yelps

"Mr Min can you please give me two strong pushes" One of the nurses demands

"I'll give you two just get the boy out of me now !" Yoongi cries out

Yoongi squeezes Namjoons hand harder closing his eyes pushing as if the world was going to end if he didn't . (Which it would be cause he's in a shit ton of pain and it was to late for god damn epidural)

Namjoon feels his hand go numb and just gently brushing Yoongi hair out of his face trying his best not to pass out from loss of blood circulation going through his hand

Yoongi gives two grand pushes and finally feels his body give up . He gives one last cry before panting out hardly

It's silent for a minute and he hears the most strongest wail . He starts crying and opens his eyes seeing his baby is finally here

"Congratulations Mr.Min your baby boy is finally here ." The doctor informs

They wipe the baby clean and ask Namjoon if he wants to cut the cord . He looks at Yoongi who gives him a nod and smiles . He grabs the scissors and cuts the umbilical cord .

Yoongi finally holds his baby in his arms caressing his little chubby cheeks . He feels the tears in his eyes well up more and hold his baby boy in his arms never wanting to let go .

"Welcome to the world Kim Yeonjun"

"Such a beautiful name Yoons . He's beautiful" Namjoon kisses Yoongis sweaty forehead

"Hello Mr.Min we are here to just to weigh and measure your son and then put his name on a birth certificate , assuming You are the father Mr.Kim ?" The doctor asks

"Yes" Namjoon smiles brightly 

The nurse just smiles and nods

Yoongi knew Taehyung wouldn't come back and knew he wasn't interested in being a father to his baby so he He wanted Namjoon to be Yeonjun legal parent and Namjoon started crying telling him he was honored to be Yeojuns dad

He hands Yeonjun to the nurses . Yeonjun still crying up a storm , but then clams down . They take him to a separate room and Yoongi smiles .

"Where's my phone ?" Yoongi asks

"Woah you just had labor for like ten hours . Don't you think you should rest ?? " Namjoon chuckles

"Yeah but I need to tell Jimin and the others he's here now" Yoongi croaks

"I'll text them . You rest a while I'll take care of Yeojun ok ?" Namjoon assures

Yoongi bites his lip he wants to spend a little more time with his baby boy that he just gave birth to ten minutes ago but he really is tired and needs a long needed nap . Thirty minutes wouldn't hurt right ?


"Is he dead ?" Jimin shrieks

"He can't be dead he's still breathing" Hoseok whispers

"Well he looks dead" Jin mumbles

"Guys shut up he's waking up" Namjoon shushes

Yoongi wakes up to balloons and flowers in the room . He looks to see who has his baby and sees he is peacefully sleeping in Jimins arms who is smiling fondly at Yeonjun

"Hey , how long was I out for ?" Yoongi says dryly

"For a good three to four hours . Yeonjun got hungry but the nurses didn't want to wake you up for breastfeeding so they gave him this special formula ." Namjoon informs

Yoongi smiles softly he looks at how beautiful his baby is

"ten pounds five ounces and I think 12 inches ? He pretty small and chubby ." Namjoon laughs 

"That's great I love having a small little chubby baby . Like you Jim" Yoongi chuckles

Jimin rolls his eyes playfully  . Yeojun starts stirring in his sleep . Jimin looks at Yoongi signaling if he is energized enough to carry his son . And Yoongi nods reaching out for his son . Yeonjun wakes up and looks up at his father . Yoongi wells up with tears looking at his hazel eyes and chubby face figure he looks so much like Taehyung . He even gots one of Taehyungs moles . But then Yoongi sees some of his features like his cat like eyes and small button nose . Yoongi wonders if he's going to have a boxy smile or a gummy smile . Hell maybe even both . But for right now he won't wonder about that he'll just enjoy that his baby is finally here and how Yeonjun is healthy


"So is everything going great with you two ? Haven't see you lovebirds in while" Jeongguk smiles

"Of course ! Why wouldn't we . We're happy and everything is great . Life couldn't get any better" Hyeonso blushes

Taehyung is staring at his phone wide eyes . His kid is finally born . He can't believe he missed is first borns birth . He felt so , sick of himself . He knows he can't go see his kid . A part of him tells him not to care . The kid has Yoongi and Namjoon , but he also wants to be there for his kid as well , he already knows Namjoon is stepping in as the dad role and for some reason it makes his blood boil but he bailed on them so he can't be mad . Yoongi has all right it be mad at him .

But then again he feels so hurt .

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now