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It was the day of his appointment and he is super excited to see how his baby looks like . Obviously it's only about the size of a apple (what he read on a blog about the steps of pregnancy) but he's still excited since he is going to get pictures of his little baby .

He's decided to being Namjoon along with him after he told him what happened with Taehyung . Namjoon felt bad for Yoongi and was angry at Taehyung for being so inconsiderate. But he really didn't know what to do , but just be there for his best friend .

"If its a boy I want you to name him Namjoon !"

"And why would I torment my poor baby like that " Yoongi remarks

Namjoon glares at him flipping him off .

They arrive to the clinic checking himself in . The nurse at the front tells him the doctor will call him in a few minutes and to just take a seat .

"Min Yoongi !" The doctor calls

They both stand up and follow the doctor . They head to a room where the ultrasound machine and a little bed is for Yoongi to lay down on .

"Ok Yoongi ! This is going to be a regular weekly checkup on how your baby is doing . As the doctor from the hospital probably already told you , you are going to find out the gender of your baby in the next month . But if you want to keep it a surprise then that's also fine ." The doctor informs

"Of course I want to find out" Yoongi grins

He looks up at Namjoon who is smiling also he ruffles Yoongi's hair looking at that ultrasound machine

"So this is going to be a bit cold." The doctor adds

Yoongi nods . The doctor squirts the clear jelly on his belly . Grabbing the wand he runs it on his belly hearing a loud heart beat . Yoongi's heart swells with happiness he tears up , excited to hear his baby's heart is healthy . Namjoon also smiles wide patting Yoongi's shoulder

"Wow it looks like the baby is bigger than we thought ! It looks like you're going have a big healthy baby . And everything is all good nothing alarming or nothing . I suppose you are taking you prenatal vitamins yes ?" The doctor asks

"Yes I am doctor I'm glad to hear my baby is doing well" Yoongi smiles widely

The doctor smiles giving Yoongi a paper towel to wipe the jelly off his stomach . He gets up and waits for the doctor to give him a slip .

"So how many copies to you want ?" The doctor asks

"Just two is fine thanks" Yoongi smiles

"You're going to let me keep one ?" Namjoon whispers

"Of course Joon ! You are here supporting me and helping me through this so I want you to keep one" Yoongi beams

Namjoon smile grows wider hugging Yoongi patting his back

"I'll always be here for you Yoongi always never forget that" Namjoon says softly

"Thanks Joonie" Yoongi grins

The doctor comes in with two copies of the sonogram of the baby . Yoongi smiles taking a photo of his sonogram and uploading it to his social media page

 Yoongi smiles taking a photo of his sonogram and uploading it to his social media page

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YoongiMin93: can't wait to meet you angel :)

JungSeokHo: congrats !!!?

Jiminie3: H-HUH


Joonies: <3

Taehyung looks at Yoongi's post and frowns . Sure he was rude about the encounter but he's not ready to be a father and everything is going great with Hyeonso he can't possibly fuck everything up . Even if it means never meeting his kid .

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now