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Taegijoon and kids family outing . A whole chaotic mess :)



The first weeks of back to school finally were over and Yoongi wasn't so stressed anymore . He decided that maybe they should all go to dinner and have some family time .

So he is now standing in kitchen where his two boyfriends are washing dishes .

"I want us all to go out" Yoongi says

Namjoon and Taehyung stop their chores and look back at the tiny male . Yoongi had never want to go out he was scared his children would get lost or cause a huge scene .

"Like with our children or just the three of us ?" Taehyung asks

"All including our children" Yoong replies

"Well we can , I just- why ? You always said that you'd rather sell your kidney than take your children out somewhere" Namjoon laughs making Yoongi glare at him .

"Fine if you want we can go to a restaurant tonight ." Taehyung says drying his hands .

Yoongi smiles and attacks his two boyfriends kissing them both .

Namjoon comes into his daughters room and stares at them until they give him their attention .

"What now ?" Yoora says still combing her dolls hair .

"Daddy wants to go out"

"Ok ? Who are you leaving us with , not Jeon right ? Please don't say him cause I will whoop ass" Yoora says now looking at her father

"No I'm not leaving you with Jeon- and whose ass you are going to whoop ? Not better be mine cause you know damn well you'll lose" Namjoon sasses back

Yoora rolls her eyes "no ! Just get on with what you were going to say"

"Daddy wants everyone to go out so we are going to a restaurant so get cute and wear something nice . And Namsoo brush your hair it looks like you were put in a dryer" Namjoon informs

Namsoo giggles and nods quickly forgetting about her doll and running to get her brush

"I expect you two to behave" Namjoon says

"I know ."

"I mean it Yoo . Your dad never asks for us to bond all as a family in public . So please whatever antics you're going to try to pull don't." Namjoon warns

"Yeah yeah alright . Get out so we can get changed" Yoora groans out standing up now .

Namjoon smiles and ruffles her hair exciting the room. Then going to his room to get ready . Seeing that Taehyung is blow drying his hair and Yoongi is dressing Minseok .

"Baby get ready I already told Yoora and Namsoo to get ready" Namjoon says to Yoongi

"I'm going , if you want the pace to quicken put Minseok shoes on while I change." Yoongi retorts handing the shoes to Namjoon .

After everyone had gotten ready they pile into their ridiculous van Namjoon had bought for special occasions .

"We could've used two cars" Yoong crumbles sitting in the back seat with his children .

"And what's the fun in that" Taehyung smiles

"BAHAHJA DADDY HAS TO SIT WITH THE LITTLE KIDS WHAT A FUCKING LOSER" Yoora screams out making Namsoo and Yeonjun laugh

"I will fight everyone in this van" Yoongi hisses out

When they arrive at the restaurant everyone piles out . Namjoon carrying Minseok and Taehyung and Yoongi holding the rest of the kids hands .

The restaurant was a family restaurant. It wasn't some fancy expensive restaurant where you pay for overpriced food that wasn't even good . Namjoon and Yoongi went once for Yeomjuns second birthday .

Once they were seated everyone was fairly quiet . The talking mainly was from other people who were near their table . Yoora and Namsoo coloring on the later they were given by the waitress . Yeonjun watching something on his iPad and Minseok eating a crayon .

Yoongi Namjoon and Taehyung were looking at the menus wondering what they would get .

"Do you guys have anything in mind" Yoongi asks his children who were doing their own thing .

"black bean noodles ." Yoora says

"I-I want kimchi f-fried rice p-please" Namsoo says not too long after Yoora

"I want steak kimbap please" yeonjun says handing the menu to his dad

"Ok seems like everyone knows what they wants except us" Taehyung laughs

"I don't know I'll just have the same thing you'll get" Yoongi says putting down his menu

"Yeah cause knowing Namjoon he'll get something weird" Taehyung scrunches up his nose .

Once their orders were taken . They talked about what was going on at school and yeonjun asking their dads how was work going . They also shared some embarrassing stories and stories of how Yoongi's pregnancies were .

After paying the check and leaving a generous tip everyone seemed to be in a good mood . Which made Yoongi feel less stressed about everything .

He loved his family so much


Hiiii I'm back

I hope you guys liked this chapter , I feel like it was rushed but idk what do you guys think ?

Qotd: what is your favorite track from "7"


BUT ANYWAYS I hope everyone is having a good day or night ily all so much and thank you all so much for sticking around during my absence:) you guys are the best ❤️❤️

See y'all later <3

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