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Shocking news and Taehyung meets Yeonjun inconveniently (again) .


I month and a week later .

"We should really go to the doctor Yoongs what if you are pregnant ?" Namjoon whispers not wanting Yeonjun to hear him

It's been a good month since Yoongi and Namjoon have gotten intimate and about two weeks ago Yoongi has started feeling the same effect as he did with Yeonjun .

"And what if I'm not ? We're just over reacting" Yoongi whispering as well shrugging .

"Let's just take precautions I'm kinda worried" Namjoon frowns

Yoongi purses his lips and looks at Yeonjun who is happily eating his pancakes . He knows if he's knocked up he'll have to  to tell Yeonjun straight away . But he's scared namjoon will leave him as well . If he is pregnant this will be Namjoon's actual kid . Yoongi doesn't know what to do honestly . But he agrees and makes the appointment for tomorrow.

The next day Jeongguk takes Yeonjun so Yoongi and Namjoon can go to the same clinic . This time extra nervous knowing he most likely doesn't have a tumor but a growing fetus inside of him . They wait patiently for Yoongi to get called and Yoongi notices Namjoon silently panicking .

"If I am pregnant you won't leave me right ?" Yoongi asks

Namjoon looks at him and laughs a little Yoongi furrows his eyebrows wondering what he said that was so funny . And then Namjoon's laugh dies down

"Yoongi why would I leave ? I stayed with you to be a father to Yeonjun . Why wouldn't I stay to be be a father to my actual blood ? I'm not Taehyung Yoongi , don't worry I won't leave anytime soon" Namjoon smiles

Yoongi nods not noticing he was crying . He wipes his tears and sighs . The doctor then calls his name out and they both look at each other standing up and follow the doctor .

"Yoongi ! Welcome back . So I heard you are possibly pregnant ? And you aren't the father but presuming the friend for moral support again ?" The doctor asks

"No actually I'm the father this time" Namjoon says awkwardly

The doctor nods slowly not knowing what to say  .

"So Yoongi Im just gonna do an ultrasound determine whether you're pregnant or not ." The doctor informs

Yoongi nods and lifts up his shirt . He looks at his stomach which is sort of flat . A couple of stretch marks and a little bit of chub . He had worked hard for his body a few months after Yeomjun was born . So he was pretty proud of himself for achieving what he has today .

The doctor squirts on gel on his stomach and grabs the wand circling it on his stomach . They all hear a heartbeat and Yoongi heart swells up .

"So Yoongi you are definitely pregnant . Congratulations to you both ." The doctor smiles

Namjoon looks in awe and Yoongi starts crying they both study the little baby forming in Yoongi's stomach .

Or two babies

"Uh well it looks like there is another baby ?" The doctor says confused

THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now