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"Fuck Tae yeah like that keep going" Yoongi moans

"You like that ? You want me to go even deeper ?" Taehyung growls

"Oh god yes please" Yoongi pants

He thrusts harder into Yoongi making his toes curls at this burning pleasure . Balls deep in him moaning lowly in Yoongi's ear which makes him even more wild.

"Oh fuck Yoongi I'm coming" Taehyung groans

"Come Tae come all inside me I need you to fill me up" Yoongi cries out

"Yeah baby ? Want me to fill you up real good ?" Taehyung hisses

"Please Tae" Yoongi whines out

And on command Taehyung comes all inside of Yoongi moaning out in satisfaction breathing hard . Pulling out he collapses on the bed .

Yoongi wakes up to an empty spot next to him . He shrugs seeing Taehyung had texted him something around six a.m

Tae: Thanks for a good fuck . Had to go my girlfriend was calling me . See you around yeah ?

Yoongi shrugs to himself putting his phone again on the night stand and falling back asleep . Deciding to shower later .


Yoongi has been experiencing a lot of sharp pains in his stomach area for a good month now . He sometimes wakes up vomiting early in the morning and has grown a pudgy stomach .

He shrugged it off knowing it's probably the flu or something but he now thinks he has cancer or something .

"I'm telling you Joon I think I have a fucking tumor ! It's weird cause it's just there and my stomach looks so weird" Yoongi complains

"Well have you asked a doctor about it ?" Joon questions

"Well no . But clinics fucking creep me out" Yoongi shivers

"Then let's go to the hospital it's obviously been growing for two months now and we need answers ." Namjoon suggests

"You're right"

The morning comes . Deciding they shouldn't wait longer to find out why Yoongi has been having these odd symptoms .

Yoongi is currently pulling up to Namjoon's flat . Beeping annoyingly to signal Namjoon to hurry up . Namjoon walks out of his house flipping Yoongi off which makes Yoongi laugh .

"Get in asshole we're going to find out if I'm dying or not !" Yoongi sing songs

"Very funny Yoongi . What if you are dying and like I'm your only friend left" Namjoon pouts

"Shut up dude we have other friends to. Stop being a sap so I could drive in peace" Yoongi snorts

"Let's go then"

Once they arrive to the hospital Yoongi goes nervous . His stomach goes in knots and he feels nauseous . He doesn't know if it's the phobia talking or his tumor . Yoongi did call the night before saying he would be in , in the morning . So they waited for about five minutes till the doctor called his name .

"So Mr.Min I've been hearing you could possibly have a tumor in you stomach ?" The doctor asks

"Yeah two months ago I've been experiencing some harsh stomach pains and I've been vomiting and having some headaches . At first I thought it was the flu but I don't know if influenza could actually last three months ." Yoongi explains

"Great ! So let's run a few blood tests , also could you put your shirt up to feel ?" The doctor asks

"Of course" Yoongi nods

Yoongi lifts his shirt . The doctors cold hands feel up on his stomach and lower part of his stomach . Seeing if there's anything very unusual . But the doctor just nods and says he will do the blood tests now .

An hour or so has passed and the doctor comes to tell him what is happening .

"So we didn't find any cancer or tumor but we did find out that you are three months pregnant ! Congratulations Yoongi I am going to give you a doctor for all the appointments and ultrasounds and to prescribe you prenatal vitamins . And I suppose you are the father ?" The doctor smiles at Namjoon

"I am uh not the father but thank you for the news ?" Namjoon stutters

Yoongi sits there stunned at the news he had just received . His world starts spinning and feels like he's about to faint . He is pregnant ? But how ? When ? He is a boy for fucks sake

"How could I possibly be pregnant ? There has to be a mistake ! " Yoongi stammers .

"Well male pregnancy isn't very common . And it is extremely rare here in Korea . But there has been some news about men who have gotten pregnant around the world ." The doctor explains

"How will I give birth ? And breastfeed ? Obviously I don't have breasts" Yoongi stammers more

"Well it's going to be a bit difficult but we will do a c section I suppose . Unless the your rectum stretches big enough to have the baby come out that way . And obviously you will need some stitching after and you will possibly grow small breasts in a couple months. So you can be able to breastfeed when the baby is born . I have here a card of your doctor and this prescription for prenatales , in a month or so you will know the gender of your baby . And in a week a following ultrasound to see how the baby is doing . If there is any other questions you can call me . I will be going now !" The doctor bids goodbye

Yoongi forms tears in his eyes . He is actually pregnant . He can't believe this . He has so many stuff he wants to do before he actually settles down for a kid . he is nineteen ! He's too young for a kid .

But it's his blood he can't possibly give that up .

"Hey man congrats . I know it's sudden and all but whatever you decide I'll be here for you man and the kid presuming you are going to keep it ? Or put it up for adoption ?" Namjoon asks

"No I'm keeping it . I can't give it up . This can possibly be a new start to a new life . Yeah I'm going to be a pretty young parent but I'm going to do everything possible to make my baby have a father I never had" Yoongi sighs .

"That's great Yoongi . But I have one question who is the father ?"

And holy shit . His baby daddy is not even in the picture . And he recalls the last time he had sex it was with Taehyung .

Who has a girlfriend .

"It's Kim Taehyung you know , your friend who has a girlfriend" Yoongi bites his lip

Namjoons eyes go wide gasping

"Holy shit . Are you going to tell him ?"

"Well I don't really have a choice . Maybe he'll accept the kid . " Yoongi frowns

"Hopefully" Namjoon smiles lightly

And he really hopes he does . Yoongi feels like crying again . Namjoon notices and pulls him into a hug . They stay there for a good while . After Yoongi calms himself down he smiles at his tiny forming bump

They leave the hospital . Yoongi drops off Namjoon to his house telling him he'll call him later .

Yoongi arrives to his apartment . Looking at his comfortable home . He can just imagine a little Yoongi running around his home . And hopefully he will save up to buy a house with a nice yard . And not a patch of grass he has in front of his house .

He lays down in bed . Studying his bump caressing it smiling widely .

Maybe it will be a happy fresh start to something new.


THREE MONTHS / TAEGIJOONWhere stories live. Discover now