"Your Dating my what now?"

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Hey guys!
Soooooooo.... I know you guys are waiting for the third  part to the feildtrip series, buuuuuut, I have some writers block on how I want to end it, cuz I don't want it to be like any other feildtrip oneshot. Sooooo... until I can figure out how to end it, you guys can read this one!

This is a Pilah(Peter x Lila Barton) and there is going to be a background story before you begin. Peter is Tony and Peppers bio child and both Lila and Peter are 16.

Ps. This is VERY long, so enjoy!

On with the story!
It's —————————————

Background (No ones POV)

Peter and Lila had been best friends for YEARS! They did everything together. Lila was the first to know of any crushes Peter had in elementary school, Lila was the first to know of any insecurities Peter has, and Lila was the first to know about his powers.

Peter was also very close to her siblings, Cooper and Nate, and her parents Aunt Laura, and Uncle Clint. Peter and Cooper often went out with Nate and Clint for 'guys night' while Wanda, Nat, Lila, and Laura had 'girls night'.

When Peter was in 5th grade, he started to have a weird feeling when he was around Lila. He told his Aunt Nat about it, and right away she diagnosed him with a crush. Peter always denied it though, and said he didn't feel that way about her, and even if he did she didn't feel that way about him. Little did he know that at that time Lila was talking to her mom about the little butterflies that she could feel in her stomach when Peter came around.


When Peter was in ninth grade he went on a feildtrip to OSCORP. He was so excited, he barely slept the night before, calling Lila and making assumptions about it was going to be like. At that point he had come to the conclusion that his Aunt Nat was right, like she always is, when she said he had a crush. But he was still in denial that she liked him back.

During the fieldtrip, Peter had felt a pinch on his arm. The next day, he had woken up SUPER sick. He threw up all day, and his mom had taken off work to care for him despite his complaints that he was fine and he needed to go to school. He was sick for days and it seemed like the sickness was only getting worse, when after about a week of being sick, Peter woke up, and realized he felt better. It was the weekend so he didn't have to go to school, and he wanted to take advantage of that. He asked his mom and dad if he could go over to Lila's house and hang out with her for a while. After taking his temperature, asking FRIDAY if he was okay, double and triple checking with Bruce, and giving him Advil for the road, they finally gave in and let him go.

As Peter went up to change, he realized that the staircase that usually had him wheezing at the top, gave him no problem, and that he didn't need his inhaler. He also realized that, he could see just fine, and he wasn't wearing his glasses. Weird. The final thing to make him think something was defiantly wrong, was when he looked in the mirror, and he had abs. ABS! Peter Benjamin Stark DOESNT have abs. He's a short, skinny kid who has asthma, needs glasses and gets picked on at school because he is a nerd. But now, he was at least 4 inches taller, can see more than perfectly without his glasses, no longer has asthma, and can hear the conversation his parents are having downstairs about how worried they are for him. This. Is Impossible.

He immediately called Lila to say something was up. He didn't say what, just that it was urgent. He could tell Lila was confused, but he promised he would tell her everything that he could when he got to her house. And he never broke a promise.

He said bye to his parents, hopped in the car with Happy, and started thinking about what could have happened that made him have abs. Even though it was almost a 4 hour drive, it only felt like minutes to Peter, and soon enough he was at the Barton's. He said thank you to Happy, and grabbed his bag that he packed in case it turned into him staying over in Coopers room. On his way up he was so immersed in his thoughts, that he didn't realize he had walked right into Lila's archery range and she had just released an arrow. She realized what had happed and called look out, to Peter, but it was too late.

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