Hands Off My Boyfriend

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Hey Everyone!

Hope you guys are ready for an influx of updates because I have a lot coming out soon! Requests that have been out for a while are coming soon too! This is a request :)

INFO NEEDED: Liz is still at Midtown and she still likes Peter. Peter is in a long distance relationship with Lila with each of them making the trip to the other on different weekends. Peter has a Fieldtrip to SI and the Barton family is in town for the week meaning that they are there for Peters Fieldtrip. Peter is a biological Stark, the son of Tony and Pepper.

SHIPS: Pila, Pepperony, Brutasha, Claura


On With The Story!
Peter POV:

It was the last class of the day and I could not WAIT to be done with school. My knee has been bouncing up and down for the entire class and every word that my science teacher said simply went in one ear and out the other, which I didn't see as a problem because I know all the material of the lesson anyway. I was staring down the clock, watching the hands tick by as if in slow motion, one second lasting one minute, one minute lasting an hour, and I wasn't the only one. Half the class was checked out from reality and this stupid class, including Ned and MJ. Ned had joined me in glaring at the clock and MJ was slowly sketching Flash's 'I'm bored' face in her notebook.

You might be wondering: 'Peter, you usually pay attention in class, why aren't you today?"

Well, there are several reasons for my boredom and I would love to tell you, my dear, sweet readers all of them.

First off, I forgot to take my ADHD meds today, so I am ten times as hyperactive as normal, making the day go by five times as slow and my boredom skyrocket.

Second, It is the first day back at school after a three day weekend, and weirdly enough, a Tuesday. Yesterday was a teacher work day, and I am NOT happy to be back in school.

Finally, today marks the start of Prank Week. Once every two months everyone living at Stark Tower has a full on, all-out prank week where everyone comes (including all Wakandans and Guardians of the Galaxy members) and pranks each other as well as play familial games. This means the not only will some of my best friends, Shuri and Cooper, be here, but my girlfriend Lila will be here too. They are actually already in New York and waiting for me at the Tower, making this class go by slower than a snail delivering a package.

Finally, the clock showed 2:55: the official reminder that class ends in five minutes. Mr Harrington finally realized that no one was paying attention to the lesson and completely gave up teaching it -deciding to wait until next class instead. Rather than continue on with the lesson, he decided that it was a good time for an 'important announcement' and we all groaned in unison as he raised his voice to tell us all the 'exciting news'.

The most 'exciting news' this school has ever had was when the cafeteria decided it was time to introduce 'taco Tuesdays' and 'watermelon Wednesdays' to the lunch menu.

It didn't last two weeks.

"Alright, Alright, class settle down. Settle down. I know that it is last period after coming back from break, but I have some very exciting news!" Cue the groaning. "This year the school board has finally decided to approve the proposition we brought them ten years ago... I can't believe it actually took them ten years, but at least they got to it at some point! From this point forward, we are going to have.... drumroll please" no one drum rolled "okay then... SCIENCE FEILD TRIPS!!!" A few people picked their heads up from where they were laying on their desks in interest, but no one clapped. "Wow, tough crowd."

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