chapter 28

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Jungkook whimpered as he grabbed onto his hair, the Kim man wasn't like the Taehyung friend.. right? He couldn't be! He.. he had helped him when he was lost, and he gave him yummy food he had never had before. And he didn't treat him like any of the meanies did. Not like the stupid kitties.

Jungkook slowly began to calm down, the Kim man wasn't like any of the meanies.. No..

Jungkook however flinched as he suddenly heard a loud sound, whimpering as he saw the Kim man stand up.

"Sorry kid, have to take this."

The Kim man ruffled Jungkook's hair before he walked away, holding a strange device to his ear.

The small human slowly stood up, placing a hand on the top of his head, not fully understanding why the Kim man had touched his hair.. Was it yucky? Jungkook didn't remember the last time he had been under the warm waterfall.

But due to the confusion, the boy did calm down. He moved his sleeves over his cheeks as he slowly started to walk towards the living room where the Kim man was. What was he doing?

"While I do believe in fair prosection, even for those disgusting hybrids. I'm not taking a case for an agressieve hybrid! From what you just described he was pretty damn close to killing the human!"

The Kim man ran his hand trough his hair in frustration. Jungkook on the other hand barely understood anything of what the Kim man was saying. The boy however did copy the movement of letting his hand go trough his hair.

"I cant- oh."

The Kim man cut himself off as he turned around, making eye contact with the significantly smaller human. Jungkook waving, only for the Kim man to sigh at him.

"Give me a second Lana- No there's a child in my living room and I don't want him to hear these things."

The Kim man said as he walked over and grabbed Jungkook's small hand taking the boy to the bedroom he had been sleeping in for the last week.

"Go play."

The Kim man said, pointing to the colouring book on the floor. The small human having done nothing with it so far as he didn't understand what to do with it, although he did find the images in the book really pretty.

Jungkook whined but decided to listen, walking over to the book and sitting down before picking it up and deciding to look trough it. This making the Kim man chuckle bitterly. A kid that didn't understand how a colouring book worked.

"Look Lana, I don't see why I should take a case I am going to lose. And especially if the hybrid is agressive. Most likely I'll be attacked by them or by a partner if they have one."

The Kim man once again started as he left the bedroom. The Kim man simply starting to feel annoyed. He had taken one of those cases back when he had just finished law school, and it went wrong. The Kim man believed in fair prosecution so he took the case without thinking. An agressive hybrid was being prosecuted for beating up their human. But when the Kim man couldn't win the case, not even get time off the hybrids sentence, the hybrid had attacked them. And when the police dragged the hybrid off of him, the partner jumped the Kim man from behind.

It was a nasty moment in the Kim man's life, but he had learned from it.

"I simply don't want to end up in the hospital again because I can't win such a case, the evidence is stacked up against the hybrid."

The Kim man sighed, once again running his hand trough his hair. He didn't understand why Lana would be so desperate to press this case onto him.

"Look, I'll come into the office later to see how the case is okay? I'm not saying I'll take it but just so you will stop begging."

The Kim man shook his head, he knew he wasn't going to take the case, but the Lana would finally be off of his ass.

"And I'm taking a kid with me. Found him last week all alone, no collar. He seems around the age of six so he can't exactly take care of himself."

The Kim man hang up with a sigh, staring at his phone for a second before putting it back in his pocket.

He turned around, only to see the little human he had found standing in the hallway.


The Kim man raised a brow as the tiny human made his way over, opening the colouring book and pointing to a picture of a human with a collar around their neck before he pointed at the Kim man.

"Why.. no you?"

The smaller human asked, genuinely curious why he had seen no hybrid in the Kim man's apartment.

"It's because I'm a lawyer, they don't want our judgement clouded by hybrids opinions."

But those big words only confused Jungkook more. He was five, not twenty-five.

"Anyways,  it's time to get you cleaned and then dressed so you can come with me."

"Warm... Wafall?"

Jungkook asked, his eyes big. He liked the warm waterfall. They only had cold ones back at the zoo.

"Yeah, a shower."

The Kim man chuckled and lifted jungkook up, making jungkook gasp and cling onto the Kim man.

"No fall!"

"I won't drop you kid. I'm not a monster."

The man chuckled and ruffled Jungkook's hair again, jungkook let out a shriek as he clung onto the Kim man tighter.

"Okay okay, two hands. See?"

Said the Kim man as he placed his hand back on Jungkook's back, the boy slowly relaxing as he nodded.

"Now to the shower, cause you really smell."

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