Chapter 38

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And so dinner had come. The food had been plated and Jungkook had done his very best to help set the table.

Now the boy was seated on Namjoon's lap, the man helping him out with eating as he had yet to develop the right motorskills for it. Namjoon knew the zoo's didn't provide cutlery for it's inhabitants. They were treated like animals perhaps even worse these days.

Stephanie watched with an amused look on her face, her head resting in the palm of her hand. The kid was cute, she had to admit, but she found the man behind him even cuter.

"Now Joonie, how's the law firm been treating you?"

"It's fine. Have to read a lot these days but I knew what I signed up for."

Namjoon clenched his fist in order to try his hand from shaking. The woman sitting across from his was a ticking time bomb, and the littles things could set her off. He had to be careful, not only for himself but also for the defenceless child sitting on his lap.

Stephanie nodded along to Namjoon's words. She had missed her little play thing. While it was lovely to see him in that suit of his he had to wear to work, he would look even better in one of his old outfits she used to make him wear.

"It's a shame isn't it?"

"What is?"

"That you'll have to hand over the kid soon."

Namjoon raised his eyebrow at the comment. He had no intentions of handing Jungkook over to whomever.

"Why would I do that?"

"Joonie.. don't tell me you forgot.. He has to go back to the system for a new master. Unless... You're perhaps wanting to hand him over to me?"

That sick grin Namjoon despised was on the woman's lips. Whenever she got like that, only bad things were waiting.

"As if I would ever do that. He'll be staying with me and that's that."

"You do know that's illegal right? And what's so bad about him being part of the family? He'd get to serve some of the most influential people. It would be an honourable thing to do."

"Stephanie you can't be serious-"

"Why not?"

The hybrid interrupted the man. Who was he to talk to her like that? While she thought he was cute and all, he was still a human.

"Namjoon, it seems you have forgotten your place in this society. Not everyone gets the same chances as you, and with a face like that many will want to get their hands on him."

"Don't talk about him like he's an object."

"Why not? He'd make a pretty thing. Maybe I'll keep him for myself and make him part of the private collection."

Namjoon shuddered. He had once before gotten a peak at what that looked like. People treated as if they were art, locked away in glass boxes with the occasional 'treat' of getting picked out for mingling.

The woman was crazy if she thought Namjoon would just surrender a child to her for purposes like that. He had just gotten him out of such a situation and he wouldn't think about it twice to do it again.

That brought out the thought of why he was being so protective of some random kid he had been keeping around. But that was something to think about later, right now he had to think of a way to get out of this conversation.

"So how's Chloe doing?"

"Okay, we'll change topics for now Namjoon. Chloe is great. She's the top of her class. She would've loved to see you right now."

Oh god. Namjoon remembered another reason why he had left this place. Chloe. She was crazy. Ever since she was young she had had a thing for Namjoon just like her mother. And well if Chloe didn't get her way like she wanted to, as much as it made Namjoon uncomfortable, it would have consequences for him only.

"We really miss you, you know.. You could come back, we could be happy again. Of course I'd have to share a little with Chloe but that won't be a problem, right?"

This lady was delusional if she thought he was ever coming back. Sure she was influential, but Namjoon would rather be run over by a train or be boiled alive than serve this woman and her psycho of a daughter again.

As if on que, Jungkook let out a yawn. The kid was still young, and it was later than his normal bed time.

"Ah won't you look at that, I gotta get the little one to bed."

Namjoon got up, ready to get the fuck out of there. He moved his way around the table, doing his best to evade Stephanie who had also stood up.

"You could spend a night here. I have a spare room where the kid could sleep. Would you like that cutie?"

Looking at Jungkook, Stephanie flashed the boy a smile. The boy however didn't like it one bit, hiding his face in Namjoon's neck.

"I think he feels better sleeping at home."

And with that Namjoon went into the hall and out of the house, Stephanie chasing after him.

"Namjoon wait!"

Stephanie yelled out but the man burst out

out into a sprint. He wouldn't set foot in there again, over his dead body.

Merry christmas,
Yes I know it's September

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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