Chapter 37

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Jungkook quietly sat on the kitchen block, swinging his legs back and forth as he looked at all the things inside the kitchen. This kitchen was a lot bigger compared to what the Namjoon man had in his home. The entire place seemed ten times bigger as well.

The kid put his thumb in his mouth before he began nibbling on it, trying to calm the growing anxiety inside of him.

"Want a some carrot?"

Namjoon asked with a soft voice as he held out a slice of carrot. Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes but reached out anyways, grabbed the slice before replacing it with his thumb, nibbling away on the vegetable.

'God this kid would've definitely been a rabbit had he been a hybrid.'

Namjoon chuckled to himself, while he disliked hybrids for the things they had done to humans, he had a habit of imaging what animal his friends and other humans would be based on what he saw.

He guessed Lucia would be a lion or tiger with her fierceness. She would've made a great leader had she been born in a better situation.

Finishing up the prep while leaving his thoughts behind him, Namjoon moved Jungkook from the kitchen block to the island. He was going to start working with heat and didn't want the kid to burn himself.

He grabbed some pans and found his way around with the stove as Jungkook stared right at him, waiting a few minutes before starting an attempt to climb off of the island.

Twisting his body, he practically slid off, lading on his two feet before sneaking out of the kitchen. His curiosity had gotten the best of him.

He looked left and right before he headed further into the hallway, peaking into the nearest room he came across. And there was the mean lady that brought them here. Sticking out his tongue, the human shot her a nasty look even if she couldn't see. Once he was done making faces he moved on, coming across some stairs.

Figuring out he had nothing to lose, he started his ascent. Stairs weren't really his thing yet, still not being used to the blocky steps. Awkwardly navigating his body, he slowly made his way up, getting to the second floor eventually.

Not spotting anything interesting immediately, Jungkook decided to go up once more. While it took him quite some time to maneuver up the stairs, he still managed to do it.

This time he was greeted by a single door, now this peaked his interest. Reaching for the doorknob, Jungkook managed to get his hands on it, slowly twisting it before pushing the door open.

He gasped as he was met with two ladies in a bed together, both dressed in weird outfits doing some sort of dance. He stood there almost as if he was frozen, but if was enough time for one of the ladies to notice him.

As she looked at him, the other lady also did, the two now frozen as well. It took a moment but one of them hurried off of the bed and moved over to Jungkook, scooping him into her arms before descending down the stairs with haste.

"You're not supposed to be in here little man."

The lady spoke up, but Jungkook didn't bother listening, eyes wide as she noticed she had no ears of horns just like him. He reached forward and put his hand on top of her head.

"Like me.."

He whispered as he looked the lady in the eyes for the first time.

"Wha- Oh yes I am human just like you honey. But you really shouldn't go wondering off without any supervision."

Pinching his cheek as they got to the ground floor, Jungkook couldn't help but giggle. This lady was funny. What he however failed to notice was that they went right to where the mean lady was.

"Miss I found this child on our floor and we were just having some fun but then he was there suddenly and I don't know where he came from and-"

"You're rambling dear."

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh as he watched the human lady's face turn red. Humans weren't supposed to be red!

"Apologies ma'am. But I found the kid and I don't know if he came with anyone but he was on our floor unsupervised.."

The hybrid got up from her seat, moving closer to the pair of humans that stood at the entrance of the living room.

"I'll take him back to who he came with, I'll be up later tonight."

Jungkook watched as the lady holding him turned a different shade of red once the hybrid winked at her. She handed Jungkook over before she bolted out of the room, the embarrassment getting her too much.

"Let's get you back to my cutie Joonie."

While Jungkook wanted to be nowhere near this woman, he could get back to Namjoon, so he said nothing as she brought him back to the kitchen. 

Wow a new chapter after 1000 years. Someone helped me get past what I was stuck on lol.

Hope you enjoyed reading.


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