chapter 2

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Two of the three boys were quiet as they were taken away. The one boy screaming and thrashing around as he wanted nothing more then to go back to his mother.

The colleague sighed and held the boy tighter, making the boy struggle more. The colleague knew that the boy would soon be worn out as the fighting took up a lot of the boys energy and the colleague was right. Once they got to the female worker the boy was pretty much asleep, his eyes puffy as fresh tears were still on his cheek.

The female sighed and shook her head as she took the sleeping boy from the colleague and led the other two boys to the pair. The small boy curling up to the female worker as it felt like it was the same warmth he got from his mother, although the heartbeat wasn't alike.

Jimin cooed over the two boys that just stood there and crouched down, waving at them only to receive a glare from the boy on the left making Yoongi glare at the boy.

The boy squeaked and hid behind the other boy, shaking in fear. It wasn't good to make a hybrid angry, especially Yoongi.

The female continued holding the boy as he couldn't stand on his own, he was sleeping after all.

Jimin looked over at the female and instantly fell in love with the sleeping boy in her arms. Jimin stood up

"that one, I want that one"

said Jimin as he stared at the boy in the woman's arms, looking mesmerized at the sleeping boy

The female nodded "I'll get the papers ready and when you have everything ready you can take him with you."

She smiled and handed the boy to the beaming Jimin.

"What's his name?" Jimin asked as he looked down at the boy in his arms.

"Lets see..."

the female grabbed a scanner and went over the numbers tattooed on his neck

"he doesn't have a name yet"

she smiled as she looked up from the scanner, and even if he did have a name which his fellow humans would call him, it didn't matter any more. Hybrids would rename their human anyways without even wanting to know their birth name.

Jimin frowned "why doesn't he have a name? All humans have names right?"

The female shook her head at the question "we only name the humans that stay at the zoo after they turn eighteen"

Yoongi raised a brow at this but shrugged it off, it wasn't liked he really cared about humans. They were there to serve the hybrids and they should be grateful to do so.

"what do you want to name him then?"

Yoongi asked and Jimin thought for a moment, his brows furrowing. But then it clicked, the hybrids eyes widening as he looked at Yoongi with sparkles in his eyes.

"Jungkook!" He smiled and hugged the boy making the boy move around a little.

Yoongi nodded and ruffled Jimin's hair, mumbling a "cutie", before he walked away with the female as two workers came back and dragged the two boys who weren't picked away.

Jimin was shocked at how the boys were treated but forgot about it as his human started to wake up.

The little human boy slowly opened his eyes but froze as he noticed he was in a hybrids hold, his eyes wide.

Jimin smiled at the tiny boy while the boy gasped and started squirming, just wanting to go back his mother. The boy started thrashing around more, making Jimin frown

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