chapter 34

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"How do you want to avoid them? They're everywhere! Not to mention the one from just now might come back."

Namjoon signed as he tried not to think of what he had seen a second ago.

"We can't call the cops, obviously. We.. we need a distraction, we need to go to a place where we can make noise so we can actually call for help."

"It feels like we'll need a miracle to get out of here, unless one of us actually comes up with a plan."

Lucia 'sighed', or more went trough the motion of doing so, but did do in utter silence. The woman was scared, but she suppressed the the feeling, making sure they got out safe was more important than being scared

Jungkook on the other hand was starting to squirm, his legs feeling all tingly from being held. This making the boy let out a quiet whine as he puckered his lips into a pout.


The small child signed and Namjoon carefully squeezed the boy gently, he couldn't put him down. It was simply for his own safety.

"Well well well.. who do we have here?"

Hoseok chuckled as he crossed his arms, jumping down from the vehicle he was standing on.

"The kid who let my Taehyung be taken away...
Because of you everything is ruined!"

The hybrid yelled as Jungkook tried to hide himself against Namjoon's body, the man gripping onto the boy tighter.

"No need to go around attacking children sir, that's not a very fair fight is it now?"

Namjoon glared at the hybrid in front of him as Hoseok looked away for a second, beckoning someone over.

Lucia looked at Namjoon in terror once she understood what Hoseok's intentions were, quickly sighing something in the moment the hybrid that stood before them wasn't looking.

And Namjoon nodded, setting their plan into action. Lucia lunged forward, knocking into Hoseok and sending him flying onto the concrete they stood on. While Lucia cause the distraction, attracting the other hybrids around their attention, Namjoon ran for it.

They knew it was risky, and could very much endanger Lucia's life, but she was willing to risk it if it meant Jungkook was safe. And if Namjoon got to safety, it meant he could call the police to get help.

They knew the dangers, yet it was they only thing they could do.

A game of cat and mouse


Screamed Hoseok as he tried to get up, Lucia stepping on his hand with her heel before taking off, making the hybrid scream out in pain instead of anger.

the chase now really starting.

The woman took off her heels, knowing she couldn't run well in them, while running. While it wasn't comfortable for her feet, it would help in making less noise later on.

And Lucia ran for it, not checking behind her once as she knew it would slow her down.

Her heart was beating a thousand times faster than normal, the adrenaline finally kicking in.

The human flinched as she heard a hybrid jumping onto one of the cars behind her. She quickly ran past two cars, hoping no civilians were going to be in them.

And as she heard the hybrids slowly gaining on her, something clicked inside of her head.

She could make noise.

And with an idea popping up into her head, Lucia took shelter inside of a car. She quickly locked the door and mentally thanked which ever god for the keys still being in the car.

The woman looked around, almost squealing as she found am aux cord, while she hadn't, mostly, been in favour of the situations, the tables were slowly starting to turn.

And as the woman was busy typing something into her phone one of the hybrids jumped onto the car she was on. The human freezing for a moment before she shook her head and focused on looking for the thing she had searched for.

The hybrids however were starting to swarm the car, the woman not even acknowledging them as she sighed in relief. She turned up the sound of the radio and set it to the aux mode. She pressed on an audio on the online music app she had before she did something no sane human would do.

She unlocked the car doors.


Namjoon on the other hand hadn't had such a big chase as Lucia, he didn't have at least fifteen hybrids following him.

If she isn't a superhuman, then the kid in my arms isn't a kid anymore.

Namjoon thought, he knew it was stupid but the amount of adoration he had for Lucia was huge. The way she handled the situations they had been into up until now was well, fascinating.

The woman always seemed to have a plan up her sleeve, and if she didn't she would know how to defend herself.

And she's really good loo- not the time Namjoon.

Namjoon quietly sighed as he walked into a random store, thinking that no more hybrids were following him.

The man took out his cellphone and dialed the emergency hotline, it had to seem like a non suspicious call, Namjoon didn't know which hybrid was hostile and which wasn't, and he didn't want to risk finding out.

He set Jungkook down and told the boy to stay near him as Jungkook was starting to get fussy in his hold, and not wanting to deal with that as well, Namjoon found it a better idea toet the boy stand on his own.

And Namjoon looked away from the boy for a second, wanting to focus on the phone call, getting Lucia to safety was now his priority.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"One of my colleagues is being chased by fifteen hybrids on AlexanderMeow street. Please send help quickly."

But namjoon bit his bottom lip after he finished his sentence, he was really worried about his colleague and if she was okay.

"Help is on the way sir, they'll be there soon."

Namjoon sighed in relief and thanked the woman, but then frowned as he heard Jungkook huff and whine, seeming to struggle in a way

"Had a nice phone call?."

Namjoon's head whipped over as he heard the voice, Jungkook trying to free himself from the man's clutches as Namjoon's eyes widened.

"It's been a while hasn't it Namjoon?"


The tension is rising chapter by chapter wooooooo


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