chapter 3

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It was proven it could get much worse.

The human was now with four hybrids instead of two. But what made it even worse that was three out of the four hybrids were scary looking.

The human was trembling as the two new hybrids inspected him, looking him trough all over his body. The human that belonged to the hybrids was quietly sitting on the floor, waiting from an order of his masters.

It wasn't unusual to have just have one humans, but it wasn't uncommon to have multiple either, humans were great companions after all. Once they went trough their training you'd have the most adorable and obiedent humans a hybrid could ever wish for.

Of course the human the min couple had bought was still too young to go trough that training but he was allowed to get taught the basics so he'd be prepared for when he was going to get that training.

The tiger hybrid lifted the boys chin gently, making the boy only tremble more. The hybrid cooed over the human boys scared face.

"I think he's fine Jimin, he's just scared."

The tiger hybrid, Taehyung, looked over at Jimin and smiled before he took the child of his friends arms.

"You should get a trainer to teach him speaking, humans have a very limited vocabulary."

Taehyung sighed and Hoseok, a squirrel hybrid, nodded

"when we got Jinnie he only knew mommy. It took years for Jinnie to learn our learn the language correct, isn't that right Jinnie?"

Asked Hoseok as he went trough Jin's hair with his hand, to which Jin nodded and leaned into the touch.

"But some humans learn a lot quicker than others. It honestly just depends on how long it takes a human to pick up on things."

Taehyung stated as he set the small human down before he looked over at his own human.

"now Jinnie, you go bathe the human and get him changed, and Hoseok dear would you get Jimin and Yoongi something to drink? I'm sure they're thirsty."

Taehyung smiled softly as he looked at his lover, who happily nodded as an "mhm!" came from him.

And the two got into action, Jin picking up Jungkook and taking him away to the bathroom as Hoseok made his way over to the kitchen, making everyone some tea.


The human struggled as Seokjin tried to strip him. The human only allowed his mother to see him like that, but as she wasn't there he didn't want to bathe. Seokjin whined and pouted.

"Come on, this is for your own good. I'm trying to help you!"

Seokjin whined and Jungkook huffed, the boy shaking his head as he glared at the man in front of him.

"If you don't cooperate right now you'll most likely be punished because my master is not patient. So please just let me bathe you."

Seokjin begged as he tried to undress the child once more, but once again Jungkoon protested, the boy letting out a "no!" as he forced his shirt back down.

"I'm sorry."

And with that Seokjin picked up the child and left the bathroom, going downstairs.

"Master? He refuses to undress and take a bath.."

Taehyung looked over together with Hoseok and just as Hoseok was about to say something Taehyung put his tea cup down.

"It's okay Jinnie, I'm sure you tried your best. Let master try, I'm sure he'll agree on it."

Taehyung stood up and took the human from Seokjin, kissing the man's cheek before dismissing him.

He took the child upstairs back into the bathroom, and the moment he set Jungkook down he turned around and locked the door

"You don't want to listen huh?" Growled Taehyung as he turned around, slowly walking over to the human child, while the boy whimpered and slowly backed away.

The hybrid grabbed Jungkook's wrist and forced the boy to look at him

"Well if you're not going to listen I guess you'll get your first punishment."

The hybrid said as he glared at the human, the boy trying to free his arm from the man's hold, making the hybrid chuckle at the humans weak attempt.

And thus, the house was filled with Jungkook's screams of pure terror, Jimin biting his lip as he looked over at Hoseok.

"Is.. is this normal?"

"Hm? Oh he probably was misbehaving. Seokjin also used to scream a lot during his punishments but now he takes them so well and barely gets any because he's such a good boy."

Hoseok smiled as he pressed the tip of his finger on the tip of Seokjin's nose, softly cooing over the man's reaction.

"So cute~"

The man smiled and ruffled the humans hair as Jimin slowly nodded, sparing Yoongi a glance but deciding he needed to relax as the man looked relaxed as well.

And after an hour, the screaming stopped and about ten minutes later, Taehyung walked downstairs as the human was on the floor, hiccuping as he twitched from time to time.

Seokjin sighed and looked away as the two of them made eye contact, knowing what had happened to the poor human.

The human stayed quiet the rest of the time, an occasional sound leaving his mouth as he stared off into the distance.

Jimin cradled the quiet boy, gently playing with the boys hair as he wondered what Taehyung had done.

"How about we have dinner? Jinnie can prepare us some, anything you'd like to eat?"

"Oh uhm.. sure.. I'll have anything really."

Jimin nodded as he looked over to Hoseok, Seokjin quietly standing up and making his way over to the kitchen.

Why was acting everyone so calm?

Major writing improvement plus some new dialogue

Hope you enjoyed ^^


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