chapter 12

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Jungkook stared at the weird man next to him but looked over as he heard his name being called by Jimin. The hybrid had given the clothes he didn't want to a worker in the store and was now left with the clothes he did want.

Jungkook  hopped off the couch as jimin extended his arm and waved at the strange 'Kim' man as he followed Jimin quietly. The boy held onto the hybrids hand and soon they were standing at a large, strange desk with a machine on top of it, another hybrid behind the desk. Jungkook looked up, trying to see what was going on but the boy was just too small to see the top of the desk.

Jimin put the clothes on the desk but frowned as a shirt fell down.

"Jungkook sweetie can you pick that up for me please?"

The cat hybrid smiled as he looked at the boy and he nodded, reaching down and giving it to Jimin. The boy got a pet on the head in return and a "good boy~" before Jimin turned back to the other hybrid. Jungkook didn't know what just happened... but he liked it.

Jimin soon payed for the clothes as the cashier did her job quickly and he handed Jungkook the bag.

"Hold this for me, won't you sweetheart?"

The hybrid smiled and held onto Jungkook's hand again as Jungkook nodded, holding the quite heavy bag, to him at least, in one hand. The boy dragged the bag behind him as he walked next to Jimin, looking around the big house with interest now that he had adjusted to the volume of everything around him.

The boy had noticed there were a lot more rooms than the one they were in now but they were all different. Most of them had clothes but others also had weird toys to play with. Jungkook pulled on Jimin's arm gently and the hybrid looked down.

"Yes love?"

The hybrid smiled softly at the boy and the boy pointed over at the store with the weird toys. Jimin looked over before he laughed.

"That's for the adults baby, we'll go in there when you're much older."

The hybrid booped the boys nose and the boy looked at his nose with a frown, scrunching his nose. The two continued their walk around the house and they soon entered another room, lot's of other hybrids and humans being there again.

Jungkook looked around in awe, not notcing Jimin who was grabbing clothes and holding them infront of Jungkook himself. The boy looked over and gasped before tilting his head to the side in confusion, the movement earning a cooe from Jimin.

"They're for you sweetheart, but master has to know what looks good on you and what doesn't before fitting so it'll take less time."

The boy frowned and Jimin simply laughed, ruffling his hair. Jungkook huffed as Jimin did it over and over again but they eventually ended up infront of the place that made Jimin dissapear last time. Jimin smiled and moved the boy inside before he started changing the boy into the clothes he had found. Jungkook decided not to throw a fit for once, he just wanted this whole shopping thing to be over!

But because of Jungkook not throwing a fit they went trough the clothes rather quickly. Jimin smiled and petted the boys head again, Jungkook softly leaning into the touch. The two left the dissapearance room and Jungkook stopped as he saw the weird 'Kim' man again, staring at him as the man stared back. What Jungkook however didn't notice was that Jimin simply kept walking. The boy had the staring contest for a good couple of minutes and that was enough time for Jimin to purchase the clothes and leave the store, leaving Jungkook behind.

Jungkook gasped once he noticed Jimin wasn't there anymore, the realisation snapping him out of the trance. The boy ran trough the entire store and panicked even more when Jimin wasn't there. He might not like Jimin, but he was the only one that he was a little bit close to.

Jungkook ran back to the store part where the dissappearing rooms were and he looked around, sniffling softly. The man looked over and frowned.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

The man asked but was only met with tears from the little boy who was now crying. The man sighed as grabbed his hand.

"master, this boy is lost. I'm bringing him back to his master."

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