Chapter 31

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"Well Mr. And Mr. Min, welcome to Chou's law firm, now let's take a look at your case, hm?"

The two hybrids nodded at the words, both sitting down in the two chairs in front of the desk. Namjoon sat down in the chair behind the desk and clicked a few times on his mouse. The human looked at the papers before him, sparing a quick glance at the little boy playing near him, before he looked at the two hybrids.

"You assaulted.. an officer? Wow well-"

"I just would like to start by saying it's the officer's their fault, Yoongi his sister had been annoying him constantly with the stupid human cop things, humans shouldn't have any jobs to begin with, but it just upset my Yoonie so much he accidentally attacked an officer."

Jimin rambled, finishing off his rant with a pout as he crossed his arms. Namjoon on the other hand crossed his legs as he moved his glasses so they would sit in the right place.

"So what I am hearing is, your husband cannot control himself and you do not want any of our lawyers. Okay well I assume we can end our session here then."

"I- what? No!"

Jimin stumbled over his words, clearly he had never been set in his place by a human before.

"But you yourself just said humans should not have jobs so you do not want any of our lawyers help. And all of what you said also states upon the fact that your husband in fact cannot control his anger and assaulted an officer."

And before Jimin could respond to Namjoon, a knock on the door was heard. Namjoon once again let out a "Come in." Before his lovely colleague from before came on, holding a tray with three glasses of water on it.

"I thought you guys might get thirsty and seeing that I do not have clients over right now, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring you all some water."

Lucia explained while she made her way over to the desk, setting down the tray on an empty part as her eyes landed on one of the many papers on there.

"Min Jimin? Didn't you have a friend named Jimin, Namjoon? Well it's no time to be thinking back to our childhoods. I'll go get a drink and a snack with the kid."

"While I do appreciate the gesture you're making Lucia, we were just about to end the session as the clients themselves stated that they do not think humans should have jobs. And no, his name was Park Jimin. Anyhow, yeah please do so. He hasn't eaten since breakfast."

Lucia nodded as Jimin's eyes widened, all of it falling into place as Lucia helped Jungkook up. While he didn't want to leave the Namjoon man, he knew the Namjoon man trusted the Lucia woman, so he could trust her too.

Jungkook grabbed onto her hand, just as Jimin let out a "NAMJOON?! B-but you were taken away!"

"Hello Mr. Park, I was indeed taken away but that is not the essence right now."

Namjoon sighed as Jungkook followed the Lucia woman, Jimin looking over as he heard them walking.


The hybrid nearly started crying as he quickly made his way over to the boy, falling to his knees as he hugged the boy tightly, as the boy froze.

One of the meanies was hugging him..

Meanie.. hugging him..


The Taehyung friend

And as that thought popped into his head, the boy let out a louder scream than he had ever let out.

Jimin bit his bottom lip as he let go, staring at the boy who now had started crying.

"Oh Kookie we missed you too! W-we've been looking for you daily and-"

But Jungkook wasn't having it, the boy ran back to Namjoon, who gladly lifted him up and softly shushed him as he let the boy cry.

The way Jungkook was handled differently somewhat calmed the boy down but he still clung onto Namjoon as tears rolled down his face, the poor boy hiccuping and sniffling in between sobs.

"But- w-we're his master's! He's.. He's supposed to do that with us!"

Jimin whimpered as he stared at the two, flabbergasted over how the boy didn't run to him or Yoongi for comfort, but to a human lawyer.

"Well once he stops crying we can take him home, do some retraining and he'll be the perfect little human again." Yoongi said as he made his way over, petting his lovers head before he helped him up.

Namjoon on the other hand was quietly signaling towards Lucia, Lucia giving one soft nod.

"I just remembered I have my work to get back to, s-so if you don't mind me-"

She said as she made her way over to the door, opening it only to get it shut in her face.

"You're not going anywhere miss."

Yoongi said as he stood over her. The woman raising her brow.

"And why not, sir?"

This was her goddamn work place, she wasn't going to let some hybrid control what she did, not anymore.

"It doesn't exactly seem like you "have work to get back to." At least someone dressed a slutty as you are for a lawyer at lawfirm, I think we both know you're just some simple secretary or whatever."

Yoongi chuckled as both Lucia's and Namjoon's jaws dropped, Jimin softly nodding.

"Excuse me? Me? A slutty secretary? In your dream Mr. I have worked incredibly hard to get this job, so I wouldn't have to be controlled by hybrids like you, who think they're oh so great. Would you like to step in my shoes for a day, back when I still had one of you faul creature control me? Because let me tell you, it was hell. Every. Single. Day. I didn't just have to clean an entire fucking mansion every single day until it was spotless. Then I would have to go make meals for the piece of shit I had to serve. To then only be used as some fucking sex toy against my will. Do you know what they call that? That's fucking rape. Rape! But no, I just had to take and be a 'good girl'. And then after that I would get to sleep for four hours only to have it be repeated. You wouldn't last a fucking week, sir."

Yoongi however only rolled his eyes and shook his head, completely ignoring any of her words.

"You do know you're not supposed to talk to clients like that, don't you?"

"And you're not supposed to have a friend preform corrective rape on a five year old and attack officers because your big man feelings got hurt. Now let me out and let me-"

"What did you just say?"

Yoongi growled as he slammed her into the door.

"Mr min I'm going to have to ask you to step away from my colleague."

Namjoon warned, but he knew he couldn't do much with Jungkook in his arms, but he also couldn't set Jungkook down because Jimin would most likely snatch him.

"I said that you got your stwong big man feewings hurt and you couldn't handle that so you decided to attack a fellow human, and now you're attacking me."

"You do not talk to me like that bitch. I'm the hybrid, you're the human."

"If you continue to treat me like this I will have to use force to remove-"

But Lucia was cut off by yoongi wrapping his hand around her neck and putting all the force he could on it.

"Mr. Min-"

But Namjoon was given no time to react, Lucia reaching out with her hand and placing three fingers on Yoongi's ear,

Before she ripped it off.

Shit really did hit the fan huh? But that means more drama in the next episode :D

Also, I did put the tag rape on here so if you do not like mentions of it, or descriptions please do not continue to read my story.

Anyways, I hoped you like my story and we will see you on next episode of "Human Zoo."


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