chapter 19

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Jimin frowned, Yoongi never told him about a sister.. everything was just happening too fast.. first Jungkook. Then Taehyung got arrested and now Yoongi has a human sister? They don't even look anything alike! Jimin turned to Yoongi and Yoongi softly cooed but then sighed.

"Yes I have a sister, a half sister."

Yoongi got this look of disgust on his face and Jimin frowned turning back to the woman who didn't look pleased either.

"But it doesn't matter if he's my half-brother or not, I need the humans name."

The blonde rolled her eyes and Jimin gasped, nodding softly.

"His name is Seokjin but we just call him Jin."

"Thank you!"

The blonde turned away but she didn't exactly sound grateful, more like a fucking finally type of thank you.

The group watched as the human sat on her knees next to the hurt Jin.

"Oh Jinnie you poor thing.. can you hear me?"

Alyssa softly spoke to the fellow human and Jin let out a soft whimper.


The boy managed to get out before he grabbed onto his rib cage, a rib had broken because of the impact Taehyung had thrown him to the floor with.

"Oh you poor thing.. I know it hurts but can you let me check everything? We need to see what's wrong so we can take the monster that hurt you to court."

Alyssa softly spoke before he stuck out her hand "I need a paid of siccors, a rib is definitely broken and I can't risk further injury by removing his shirt over the head."

Alyssa however didn't look away from Jin as she spoke and Hoseok slowly nodded.

"I-I'll go get a pair.."

The squirrel mumbled and dissapeared into the kitchen, taking a couple of minutes before returning to the scene of the crime. The hybrid quickly walked over and handed her the pair of siccors, Alyssa quickly going to work. She placed the siccors at the hem of Jin's shirt and started to cut. It took a minute or two as the siccors weren't meant for fabric but when she did get trough she moved the torn shirt out of the way and bit her lip, bruises already starting to form on the boys chest.

"I see.. are there other humans in the house?"

The woman questioned as she checked the rest of Jin's body, obviously given him privacy round his private parts.

"N-no... but our human did go missing!"

Jimin quickly said, slightly glad in a way as he could finally do something about Jungkook being gone.

"I see.. And has the... hybrid..  ever laid hands on him?"

She looked over at the cat duo with a raised brow.

"W-we don't know..  he did punish him on his first day here for not wanting to take a bath when asked but we don't know how he got punished."

Alyssa nodded with a sigh before shaking her head.

"I get it..  who even wants to be naked around strangers that took them away from their family?"

She mumbled but Jimin heard anyways and teared up.

"T-that's not true.. h-he likes us!"

Jimin fought back tears as he stared at the blonde woman, he didn't like Yoongi's sister all of a sudden. It was better when he didn't know that she existed.

"Oh yeah? Have you ever asked him if he wanted to go with you? If he wanted to clean your shit up bevaus e your not competent to do it on your own? To just take punishment because he's not up to standards? How old even is this Jungkook?"

Alyssa crossed her arms and Jimin looked down, he didn't like how she spoke to him. Luckily Yoongi wrapped his arm around him and he got a little comfort.

"J-Jungkook.. Jungkook is five.."

Jimin mumbled as he stared at his feet, feeling rather ashamed of his decision to get the human.

"Five? They allow children to go with them? Damn.. I guess children are a lot more naive and easier to influence than teens.. Mike get them in contact with the police. But I want the kid to be taken away once he is found."

Alyssa ordered and the hybrid nodded, Yoongi staring at the scene, he found it rather strange. A human getting to command a hybrid around.. 

But in a way.. in a way it was actually pretty cool to see, afterall, it wasn't a daily sight. Hybrids had always ruled over humans as far as Yoongi knew.


Jin was taken to the hospital once the ambulance arrived, pictures having been taken of all the wounds Taehyung had given him but to Hoseok it all went by in a daze. His human had been hurt and his husband could go to jail.. to the scary hybrids and the humans.. oh god the humans..

It was all the woman's fault. It was Yoongi's half-sisters fault this all happened. Had they not interfered would everyone still be happy.

Hoseok growled softly, he didn't see it was actually Taehyungs fault. That Taehyung's anger and aggression being taken out on the human was wrong. Hoseok had just gotten so used to Taehyung doing it Jin and Jin barely missbehaved except for dropping a plate or a glass from time to time.

But still, more owners did it right? So why did they even bother to interfere. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid! If they had never thought Jin the number of the animal protection nothing would've happened!

Hoseok hissed as the doctor treated the wound he had gotten from Yoongi but the pain dissapeared after a second as his anger took over, he was going to get revenge.

No matter the cost

Ahahaha, a bit so happy Hoseok huh. And a double update! I guess I'm just very excited and creative today heheheheh.

Stay safe everyoneeeee


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