chapter 4

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Not once did Jungkook look up when Jimin attempted to feed him, the human being anything but hungry from the punishment.

Jimin sighed as his fourth attempt failed and put the spoon with food on it down.

"Taehyung what did you even give him as a punishment? You said Jin ate a lot when he got his first meal here..."

Jimin frowned as he looked at his friend, the punishment couldn't have been that bad.. right..?

Taehyung looked over at Jimin as the cat spoke to him and shook his head.

"Oh you know, just a classic punishment"

he shrugged it off and went back to eating as Hoseok looked up with stuffed cheeks. It took a minute or two before Hoseok had chewed and swallowed all the food inside his mouth so he could speak again.

"Taehyung we aren't talking about that punishment, right?"

Hoseok raised a brow as he looked at his husband and Taehyung just shook his head, quietly continuing with eating his dinner.

Hoseok sighed in relief as the teo cats exchanged a glance before looking at Hoseok.

"what do you mean?"

Yoongi asked, this time it being his turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh Taehyung means teaching the humans in a forceful and cruel way, and I thought we had stopped with applying that punishment."

Hoseok explained as Taehyung rolled his eyes, while Jimin's eyes widened from the statement

"B-but he didn't use it on our human right?" 

Jimin looked at Taehyung with a worried expression as Taehyung sighed.

"Can we just not make a big deal out of this? You're all over exaggerating what has happened. And it's his fault in the first place."

Taehyung huffed and crossed his arms, clearly displeased with how everyone was acting.

And Yoongi took that as the que to drop the subject, the hybrid pulling his human onto his lap before practically shoving a fork full of food into his mouth.

"You're going to eat that aren't you? Or do you want to go back upstairs with Taehyung?"

Yoongi whispered into the boys ear and Jungkook slowly shook his head as he started to chew the food, he wasn't hungry but if eating meant not having to go back upstairs with the Taehyung friend he would eat three plates.

Yoongi smiled at how the human worked with him instead of against him as Jimin frowned.

"Why did he eat but with me he didn't?"

Jimin whined, his lips puckering into a pout as he crossed his arms.

"Maybe he doesn't feel authority because you're just a cute little baby~"

Yoongi teased as he continued feeding the human, Jungkook just quietly eating everything as Jimin glared

"are you saying that because you always top? He listens to me just as well"

Jimin huffed  and grabbed the human before he placed it on his lap and snatched spoon before he held it in front of the humans mouth and the human quickly ate as he was trembling.

Jungkook already wasnt feeling well but it only got worse when Yoongi and Jimin kept moving him.

And that's how Jungkook ended up dirtying himself again, the boy throwing up all over the clean shirt he was wearing.

The food has slowly made its way back up and Jungkook couldn't fight it back down, thus the food he ate ending back up outside.

And the boy wasn't just upset because his stomach was.

Jimin gasped "Oh Kookie I'm so sorry"

He softly said as Jungkook continued throwing up on his lap and Hoseok looked over at his human sitting at his small table where he ate his meals

"Jinnie? Please bring Jimin's and Yoongi's human to the bathroom and clean him up again"

Hoseok ordered and Seokjin nodded as he got up and walked to the crying human who was done with throwing up as he didn't have much in his stomach to begin with.

Jimin watched with teary eyes as Seokjin brought his human upstairs and burst out crying, hugging Yoongi's arm.

"A-am I a bad ma-master?"

Cried the hybrid and Yoongi softly shushed him, playing with Jimin's hair, and gently scratching his ears.

"You're not baby, we don't have much experience with taking care of our human yet and that's okay, now we know he can't take that much movement at once."

Yoongi softly said as he squished Jimin's cheeks, wanting Jimin to look at him. Jimin looked cute with his eyes puffy and Yoongi softly cooed over the sight before he started placing small kisses all over Jimin's face making Jimin giggle softly.

"Now, let's wait until Jin comes back with him and then we can try again, okay?"

Yoongi softly asked and Jimin nodded, smiling softly at Yoongi. This was definitely one of the reason Jimin had married the man

"Okay, but I want to feed him."

Jimin beamed as he smiled making Yoongi smile too. Yoongi loved seeing his Jiminie happy and nodded to the man's words.

"Okay baby, but be careful with spilling things okay? We don't want our humans clothes ruined a second time"

Yoongi laughed and Jimin nodded eagerly like a little hybrid child.

Seokjin came back with a pouty gave, feeling bad for not being able to make the other human stop crying.

Thus Jin had a crying Jungkook in his arms making Taehyung snarled and Jungkook's volume immediatly went down completely, keeping his cries in as his tears continued rolling.

Jimin took Jungkook with a soft smile and thanked Seokjin as the man sat back down at his little table.

Jimin softly bounced Jungkook with his leg as Jungkook cried into his Jimin's chest, his tiny hands gripping onto the fabric of Jimin's shirt.

"You know what? It's been fun but I think our little Jungkookie needs a nice and refreshing nap in his new room."

Jimin stood up while holding Jungkook, gently readjusting the boy in his arms, and Yoongi also stood up


Taehyung nodded and Hoseok got up, leading the two to the front door, waving as the two got into their car.

Jimin simply held onto Jungkook, seeing how the boy didn't want to let him go.

"Yoongi? I don't think I want Taehyung around Jungkook anymore"

mumbled Jimin as he looked out the window, but surprisingly, Yoongi nodded at the statement.

"Yeah.. I'm worried about his predator side going too wild on Jungkook. He's still a kid afterall"

Yoongi sighed and Jimin looked back at his lover and nodded.

If only they knew.

Once again some minor changes

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!


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