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"Where are you taking me?"

I asked Jisung as that question had been playing in my mind since just now. I glanced Jisung who  had his smile curled on his lips then turned to look at me.

"Umm, so you know we've been together almost two months now but we never had a proper date before as we were so busy with our jobs and so on," he said and I nodded. He smiled sweetly before he took my hand into his and continued, "Therefore today ,I'll be bringing you out like other couples out there. We'll be going out and do couple stuffs,just be ourselves and don't care about who we are, alright?"

I was startled, I wasn't expected him to say those however I was happy and delightful when finally he understands what I felt all these while—things that I couldn't tell anybody. "So which means, we can do all that stuffs without worrying who we are?" I asked.

"Yes," Jisung replied. A big smiled formed on my lips and without thinking,I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you baby. You really know what I want."

"My pleasure, sweetheart. I've been thinking about this since last week so let's do it. And one more thing ,can I get another kiss?"he grinned cheekily,tapped on his right cheek.

I chuckled at his request and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. But before my kiss landed on his cheek, Jisung turned his head and


He kissed me on the lips. My eyes widen in shocked as it happened so fast before I could think. Jisung laughed at my reaction then had a big satisfied smile on his face. "Thanks baby."

I tried not to blush but somehow I felt a flash of heat deep in my body. This should be a normal thing for me and him but why do I still get shy about this kissing thing—cause I've kissed him several times.

The ride was silent but it wasn't awkward at all. I threw my glance outside the window and enjoyed the view of the city. After 20 minutes drive, finally we reached the mall.

"What's your plan,Jisung?" I asked him as he opened the door for me. He didn't respond, instead he took my hand and held it tightly as he smiled sweetly. "Just follow me."

We went into a few stores and boutique but didn't bought anything. I didn't know what to do as Jisung just looked all those clothes , handbags and other girl stuffs without even buying it. I just followed him around like he told me to.

Lastly ,we entered the Louis Vuitton store—Yep I know ,it's an expensive branded store and I still don't know why am I here. I stopped in the mid way, making Jisung to stop too as he was holding my hand. He turned around and raised his right brow.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Umm ,are you sure this is the right store?" I asked ,looking at the store and back to Jisung. I know he could afford to buy from this branded store but I can't. It's way out of my budget.

"What do you mean? We're shopping here,of course," Jisung answered.

"But I can't afford to buy things from here. Let's go to another store where I can afford," told I ,pulling Jisung out from the store.

"Hey wait," Jisung stopped me and pulled me back into the store. "Who said you'll be paying for it ,huh?"

"Umm, no one. But still ,this is way too expensive. Come one,let's go to another store." I was still stubborn to go to another store.

"Hey, it's my money. So you don't have to be worry. Plus ,what kind of boyfriend who let his girlfriend pay for her own things?" said Jisung with his eyebrow raised,hands in his pockets and eyes were glaring at mine.

"But I—"

"No buts ,just accept it," Jisung cut me before I said any further. I felt guilty for letting him paying for me because all these while I would buy my things with my own money.

"What are you waiting for? Choose whatever you want. Or I could buy everything in here if you want to," said Jisung again to which shocked me.

"Hell no! Fine ,I'll choose it."


"Why are we buying these groceries? Isn't that supposed to be the maid's job? Or did they asked for your help?" I asked as Jisung pulled me into the supermarket. He didn't answered my question ,instead he took out a piece of paper and read it. I took a glanced of it—it was a shopping list.

"This isn't for our house."

I turned to Jisung with furrowed eyebrows, "What do you mean? Then for who?"

"You'll find out later," he smirked. "Let's go, help me to find these too." Jisung started to take the trolley then went to the vegetables and fruits section. With full of confusion ,I just followed him from behind and did as he told to.

"Do you know how to choose vegetables and fruits?" Jisung asked me as soon as we were at the fresh produce section.

I nodded, "Yes ,of course."

"Alright,good. Choose these vegetables for me. And the fruits as well," told Jisung as he gave me the list. "I'm going to the meat section to get some meats."

I just hummed in respond and looked as he made his way to the meat section. I looked through the list;

-bell pepper


Wow , there's a lot to get.

Without wasting any more time ,I started to pick and choose the vegetables and fruits that needed.

"Found it?" asked Jisung from behind.

"Almost, let me take the apples," I told as I went to the other side to take the apples and placed the vegetables and fruits in the trolley. "And now ,I'm done."

"Good. Now, let's go to the snack section. We need some snacks." And so we went to the snacks section and picked a lot of snacks—basically our trolley was full with snacks.


I was still wondering ,why are we buying these and for who?


3rd Person's POV

"Hello , any updates?"

"Yes,sir. What you said the other day was true, they are actually in a relationship. But I think it's a secret relationship."

"Huh, interesting. Anymore? Where are they right now ?"

"They are in a shopping mall. I've been following them since just now. Do you want me to continue to follow them?"

"Yes. Follow wherever they go. Keep an eye on her. Do not lose her from your sight. Understood?"

"Yes,sir. Copy that."

The two men hung up from their call. The boss got up from his chair and walked towards his window ,cast a glanced outwards with a smirked plastered on his face.

"Sarah Lee. Just a little more you will be in my grasp and when that time comes, I will not let you go. Just you wait."

He let out an evil laugh that it echoed in his office.

With his mind full of evil plans.

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now