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A week had passed . I get along with the others and they were so amazing-friendly ,caring and loveable. I never felt to have someone being so nice to me , other than Mark. Now ,I'm closed to Jeno and Haechan. Jeno likes to tell jokes and Haechan would teasingly said Jeno's jokes weren't funny at all. Sometimes I wondered,are they really mafia because all of them were very playful except Mark ,who was being serious most of the time and I felt weird cause he's different around me. They treat me like their own family and I was really glad to have them in my life. No wonder Mark loves his job so much.

Jisung and I were doing fine but of course he was being as cold as an ice. That would never change. He barely talk or hang out with us nor his brothers. He spent his times mostly in the room or office. Anyway,at least I get to know the others and had fun with them.

I just finished training with Jeno and starting tomorrow I'll be training with Mark.I can't wait for tomorrow. I heard from them that Mark was so strict during their training before so I was looking forward for tomorrow. I went to the kitchen to have get a drink before change my clothes. Today's training was a bit tough as I was one to one with Jeno. It was so hard to beat Jeno. He's strong and skillful-as he's one of the best fighters. I greeted the maid and chatted with them,asking how was their day.

"Hey Sarah.Do you wanna come with us ?" asked Renjun. I turned to him and the others ,"To where ?" I asked when I saw they had changed their clothes to a new one. "We're going for a jog. Come and join with us."

I thought for awhile. I was a bit tired after the training and my body was aching but knowing the others were coming ,it would be fun. "Yeah sure. Lemme change my clothes ." Renjun nodded and told the others that I was joining them. I bid goodbye to the maid and went to change my clothes .


"Guys ,let's take a rest for 10 minutes." We agreed with Jaemin and went to a shed at the park. We've been jogging for 6km. It was so tiring but at the same time fun. Haechan and Jaemin kept telling jokes and I laughed so hard till I had to stop halfway to catch my breath. My legs and my back was killing me but I ignored the pain. I just wanna have fun.

"How's school , Sarah? Everything's good ?" asked Renjun. All of them looked at me ,waiting for my answer. "Umm ,it was fine except Jisung. He's really stubborn. He told me to act like I don't know him and don't look at him , not even glance ," I comfessed my feelings,let out the grudge that I've been keeping to myself.

"He said that to you ? seriously ?" asked Jeno ,seems shocked what he just heard. I nodded my head ," Yes , he even warned me." Jeno shaked his head , so did Chenle ."He did the same thing to me," told Chenle. I looked at him with my unbelievable look. What is wrong with Jisung ?

"It's okay. You'll get use to it ," said Chenle again, smiling warmly.

"He changed so much ," muttered Jeno. Although he said that in a low voice ,but I could hear it clearly. I furrowed my eyebrows when the others looked at him with sympathy looks. "Why?" I asked ,baffled seeing their reactions. "Nothing ,it's all in the past. We shouldn't talk about it again ," said Jaemin. I looked at Haechan,asking for explaination but instead he just gave me a small smile and so did Jaemin. "Let's not talk about it. We need to head back before they will look for us ." We followed Jaemin from behind ,jogging in one line. Before ,there were full of laughters and jokes but now silence took over us till we reached the mansion. They didn't say anything and went straight to their own rooms.

Why are they behaving like that ?


I woke up lazily from my bed when my alarm rang. Urgh, how I wish I can sleep more but thinking today was Monday ,I dragged myself out of the bed and took my shower. Monday blues....

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now