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Finally, the class has ended.

"Alright class. Make sure to complete your tasks that I've given, especially the two essays I gave. I want it by sharp 8 o'clock on my table. Thank you," instructed our English teacher and left the class.

We thanked the teacher and started to keep our books in the bag. Some still doing their work, probably wanted to complete their works before going back, while some already ready to leave.

"Guys, hand in to me your work by 7 tomorrow," told Jihyo to the class, our class monitor. We responded with 'okay'.

I continued to pack my things and was ready to leave until I saw Jisung rushed out from the class. I wanted to follow him but Hyunjin stepped in front of me.

"Wanna hangout today?" he asked.

"Urmmm," I hesitated. If I rejected his offer again today, that means this was gonna be the fifth time I rejected it. If I say no again, it will get him upset. But on the other hand, I wanted to know where was Jisung heading.

"Don't you dare say no again. Please... It's been very long time we didn't hangout," Hyunjin pleaded with his face full of hope. He clasped both his hands together and pout.

I was in dilemma. Not long later, Jisung texted me he will be going to meet someone for a moment and told me to go back home first. I replied him with 'okay'.

I looked at Hyunjin, who was still giving me the look. I smiled, grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

He looked at me in disbelief before shouted 'yes' in joy. I chuckled at his behaviour. We grabbed our bags then straight headed to the nearest cafe.

We talked for hours as the evening wore on and I was completely shocked to what I just knew. Now, guilty slowly crawling in me. I felt so bad, I wasn't being a good friend to Hyunjin. He told me a few weeks ago his mom was admitted to hospital because she felt down the stairs while at work and had to take sick leave for a week. He had to take care of his mom because his sister wasn't able to come back.

When I thought it back again, no wonder he looked so tired and worn out the past few weeks but I didn't bother to ask, assuming he was tired with the school works and so on.

"I'm so sorry, Hyunjin. I didn't know you went through all that. Now I feel bad for always saying no to you," I said. What kind of friend I am when I didn't even know my best friend was in difficulties.

He smiled, "Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. Past is past, my mom got better now and able to go to work right now."

He let out a soft sighed. "Let's not talk about my problem. What about you? Lately, you often skip classes though. Is something going on at home?" he asked. I couldn't give the best answer for that. I just smiled when he waited for an answer.

I'm sorry once again Hyunjin.

How I wish I can tell him what was going on but it's forbidden to tell anyone.

A called coming in while I was having conversation with him. I excused myself to answer the call.

"Hello, Jeno. What's up?"

"Are you with Jisung?" he asked.

"No. I'm with Hyunjin right now. Jisung told me he was meeting someone after class and told me not to wait for him," I said. I heard him sighed.

"You need to get back now."

Hearing like this from Jeno made me feel uneasy and something was not right. I informed to Hyunjin I needed to get home straight away and apologized for not being able to make till dinner.

I walked back home as fast as I could, luckily it wasn't that far from the cafe. I went straight to Jinyoung's office to see everyone was there except Jisung. They all looked gloomy and I could see fear in their eyes. The room was deadly silence and my heart started to beat fast and I can sense something was not right.

"Sarah, did Jisung told you who he was meeting?" Jimin asked.

"No, he just said there is someone who wanna meets him and told me to go back first."

Jinyoung sighed, "We just received a text and it was from Kevin."

Hearing that name made me even more nervous.

"He has Jisung."

I felt my entire world dropped.



My head was so heavy and I hardly could bare the pain behind my head. I tried to opened my eyes slowly but everything was dark and I was blindfolded, tried to move my hands and legs but they didn't move at all. Then I realized they were tied up.

Suddenly, I remembered I met a few guys and they were surrounding me and tried to beat me up. At first I managed to dodge but then I felt a throbbing pain and the next thing I didn't know what happened.

I heard people talking, the only thing I heard was- "he hasn't awake?" then continued to talk that I couldn't catch up at all.

I heard footsteps getting closer and remove my blindfolded. My eyes widen to see it was Kevin. He had his evil smirked on his face. He was alone.

I looked around the room, no windows or any sunlight could come in. Kevin was circling me.

"What do you want, Kevin?" I asked firmly.

"What do I want from you? Probably dead," he grinned.

"I don't think so. I'm afraid it will be you who's going to die first."

He stopped grinning, looking at me with eyes full of rage, "Me? Die?" he laughed in evil. "You dare speak to me like that. Don't you realized I can do anything to you while you are tied up? Aren't you afraid?"

I snorted, "And why is that I have to be afraid of someone like you. You're just nothing but an idiot."

His reaction changed. He went closer to me and punched me straight to my face. I felt my head spinning even worst and my jaw was damn hurt. But I cant show him the pain.

I laughed, "You wont get away from this Kevin."

He hit me once again,"You better keep your mouth shut before your pretty little girlfriend...." he stopped and grinned mischievously.

"Don't you dare lay your dirty hands on her," I shouted in rage. I struggled to untied but no matter what I did was never going to work out. It was tightly tied that I can't even untied it.

Ignoring what I said, Kevin left the room with an evil laugh, told his men to blindfold and told them to bring me to a room. His men obeyed to his ordered and covered my eyes again. The untied my legs and forced me to walk with them both my sides.

I didn't know where they brought me but it felt like this room they were taking me kinda far from the previous room. I heard a 'ding' sound, which indicates that the room was in another level.

When we arrived the room, they took off the blindfolded then chained me up.

"Not gonna miss your momma, little kid?" one of them said then they started laughing.

"You all won't get away," I scowled, only earning a louder laugh.

They left the room, leaving me all alone. I looked around the room, trying to find something but it was totally an empty room.

I believe they could find me easily as long as I still have my necklace on. After the last incidence, we all decided to get each of us a tracker-which were made into a necklace.


I wonder how would her reaction be after knowing I was kidnapped. Don't worry,Sarah. I'll be right by your side again.

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now